Here is my new CS submission. It is a little more out-there than my last, but I think he will be an interesting character to play. He definitely shouldn't overlap with anyone else's characters, I don't think. [hider=Blood-Mane Character Sheet] [center][h2][u]Protector of Death's Peak[/u][/h2] [h3]Blood-Mane[/h3] Mountain Troll [img][/img] Blood-Mane is a giant, brutish creature, standing at nearly 60 feet tall. He has a stocky, muscular body covered in long, dirty-gray fur. He is adorned with long, sharp teeth, deep black eyes, and a large nose and ears.[/center] [b]Actual Age:[/b] Around 300 (Neither he nor anyone else has kept exact record.) [b]Race:[/b] Troll [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Rise to Power:[/b] Excerpt from “The History of the Kingdom of Death's Peak”: “Long ago, where our great kingdom now sits atop this mountain, there lived a troll. He was christened by storytellers and bards with the name Blood-Mane, and was one of the most fearsome monsters of his era. Men who fated to wander to the top of the mountain were rumored to be found the meal of this fearsome creature. It was said that no man who had ever faced him lived to tell the tales of the great beast. Many heroes and adventurers were lost to Blood-Mane on this very mountaintop, where he made his home. This is how the mountain, which should later become our land, became know as Death's Peak. … Pursued by the tyrannous King Oarus and his great and terrible army, the rebels, who were to become the founders of our great kingdom, found themselves surrounded and insurmountably outnumbered, forced into retreat up the same mountain which the legend of Blood-Mane lived. As was the story of all men who made the trek up the mountain of the beast, the band of rebels was swiftly captured and overpowered by Blood-Mane, dragged into his cave, and crudely bound. However, unlike the other stories of old, be it out of mercy, curiosity, or a full stomach, the great Blood-Mane heard the pleas of the rebels and the tales of their flee from the destruction caused by the terrible King Oarus. For whatever reason, the beast agreed to protect the rebels, and in his mercy allowed the band to flee farther up the mountain. Soon thereafter, the grand army of the tyrannous king arrived on the peak, hearts set to destroy the rebel outfit. They did not expect to meet a beast of legend. The battle that followed was massive, and one worthy of song of heroism on both sides. Even the giant and feared Blood-Mane was met with challenge, and the armies of King Oarus nearly destroyed him. It is lost to legend, but it is said that the valiant efforts of such a brute creature, and the worthy goals of the rebel's cause, were looked upon favorably by those who grant magic and greatness, and a power, unlike any other given to his kind, was bestowed upon Blood-Mane. The beast defeated the terrible army in a fury so grand, it is said that the ground shook three kingdoms away. From that day forth, Blood-Mane became the protector of the rebels, and eventually the kingdom of Death's Peak which they founded. No forces were able to stand against the troll's powerful and otherworldly might. In this, the kingdom remained in safety, even in times when the land laid in great turmoil elsewhere. It is credited, in song and lore, that the wonderful creature Blood-Mane was the bearer of the prosperity that has since settled in abundance on this kingdom. … For one-hundred winters, the beast known as Blood-Mane protected our kingdom, and then one-hundred more winters before the writing of this book, he vanished. Some say he was slain by a new and powerful hero. Others say he is not more than a creature of stories and legend. But it is believed by most of those who dwell in Death's Peak, that Blood-Mane, upon seeing the prosperity of the kingdom, took it upon himself to retire into the desolate mountains of the north. Many still remember the great Blood-Mane as a monster. But to the people of Death's Peak, we will forever remember him for what he was. A hero.” [i](End of excerpt)[/i] [b]Combat Skills:[/b] Brute Strength: Blood-Mane channels a (rumored magical) level of strength in battle. Tough Skin: It is much harder to injure him, though he can be cut and he does bleed. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Hunting Fishing Basket-Weaving [b]Your Gear:[/b] In short, nothing. Blood-Mane does not usually use weapons aside from the occasional fallen tree or boulder. He also has a thick coat of fur and does not need warm clothes. It is rumored that he still wears an amulet, under his fur, that was given to him by the people of Death's Peak for his service. [b]Your retinue:[/b] Blood-Mane travels alone. [b]Retirement:[/b] Seriously, basket-weaving. No one is quite sure how it is done with such big hands, but he is truly one of the best. What else does a troll do with his retirement. With over one-hundred years in relative solitude, Blood-Mane has quietly refined his craft. Chances are, if you have purchased a fine basket in the past century, it may have been shipped from the far northern peaks, crafted by a rather large artisan. [b]Your family:[/b] No family to speak of. Blood-Mane has spent the past century in peaceful isolation. [/hider]