[center][h1][i]If I was the main character of a novel if would most certainly be a tradgedy.[/i][/h1] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/fb7f/i/2014/227/4/c/kaneki_kun_by_kadashyto-d7vcsts.png[/img] [hider=Signup form] Name: Age: Kagune type: Ghoul type (gourmet, one eye, etc.): Appearance: Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Mask: [/hider] [hider=Rules] Canon characters are allowed, along with humans and ccg officers. No one-eyes unless I say so. No godmode/undefeatable ghoul. You can survive a bad confrontation but do not force yourself to win. No mary/sues. All roleplayerguild rules apply. [/hider] [hider=My Character] Name: Odayakana Kirarin Age: 15 Kagune type: Ukaku Ghoul type: Tough, only eats men, Appearance: This but bangs are not dyed and eyes are two different shades of pink [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ed/20/8c/ed208ca14166a7e46187aa47ffd61248.jpg[/img] Personality: Acts sweet, kind, silly, smart and cute regularly but when she's eating/fighting she is very mean and violent. Likes: Pastels, blood, stars, hearts, organza, unique style. Dislikes: neon colors, human food, black and red, leather, plain people. Mask: Varying cute mouth/surgical masks to match her outfit and sometimes sunglasses or a pink frilly/lacy eyepatch. [/hider] A quick summary of what's going on; In the same universe that Kaneki was in after her left anteiku, a bunch of new ghouls come floating into town, trying to find somewhere to live and their paths intertwine. We'll start off with Kira walking into anteiku (a few characters can work here). [/center]