[center][i][h1]If I was the main character of a novel it would most certainly be a tradgedy.[/h1][/i] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/fb7f/i/2014/227/4/c/kaneki_kun_by_kadashyto-d7vcsts.png[/img] Roleplay thread: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85350-tokyo-ghoul-tradgedy/ooc A quick summary of what's going on; In the same universe that Kaneki was in after her left Anteiku, a bunch of new ghouls come floating into town, trying to find somewhere to live and their paths intertwine. [hider=My Character] Name: Odayakana Kirarin Age: 15 Kagune type: Ukaku Ghoul type: Tough, only eats men, Appearance: This but bangs are not dyed and eyes are both two different shades of pink. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/ed/20/8c/ed208ca14166a7e46187aa47ffd61248.jpg[/img] Personality: Acts sweet, kind, silly, smart and cute regularly but when she's eating/fighting she is very mean and violent. Likes: Pastels, blood, stars, hearts, organza, unique style. Dislikes: neon colors, human food, black and red, leather, plain people. Mask: Varying cute mouth/surgical masks to match her outfit and sometimes sunglasses or a pink frilly/lacy eyepatch. [/hider] If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask me! Canon characters are accepted, along with humans, and one-eyes, btw. [hider= Characters so far:] None. [/hider] [/center]