[center][b]Elysia Sykes[/b][/center] Elysia sighed once more as this Scott fellow sprinted off, without any regard for what she wanted to do. She felt a tinge of sadness at his lack of compassion but dismissed it as some sort of zealous determination to his faction, one that caused him to run away from her at that very moment. Still, she wished to have talked to him. She hadn’t had any real human interaction for almost a week, and it upset her that her first real chance for human communication in days had left right after they exchanged names. She wanted to stop for a smoke, yet she knew she had no time to dilly-dally. Her “prisoner” was running further away from her by the second. A feeling of solemn frustration enveloped her as she began to run after him. [i]How could this guy be so naive,[/i] she thought to herself, [i]isn’t it obvious that I have to get him out of this place.[/i] She then, strangely, found herself more and more worried about the well-being of this stranger. [i]He won’t last long, not in the condition he’s in now,[/i] she mused as she began to descend the crumbling staircase of the office building, her weapon at the ready and the contents of her backpack noisily clanging with each step she made. She passed by the floors she had perused earlier. She was disheartened by the fact that she hadn’t found anything of value but also noted that this place had probably been picked clean by two hundred years of scavengers. It gave her a solemn sense of scale and furthered her insecurity. However, she turned her focus back on following her new companion, trying not to allow such philosophical matters to wander into her conscious. She walked down the stairs carefully, keeping near the wall in anticipation of any dirty tricks from the soldier. It was clear that she didn’t trust him that much, even if he hadn’t tried to fight her. [i]Although, his passivity might have been caused by the fact that I was holding him at gunpoint,[/i] she thought. As she moved down the stairwell, she noticed something out of place. She was able to hear the footsteps of Scott, who was just a bit further down, but his movements seemed much too loud. She understood that a man in power armor must be a sort of lumbering giant, but this sounded like more than just one man. A jolt of fear ran down her spine, realizing the ramifications of this discovery. “HEY, SCOTT!” Elysia shouted, “I DON’T THINK WE’RE ALONE HERE!” Her voice was much louder than she had expected, but it would serve to efficiently warn her new friend of any danger. Unfortunately, it also had the added consequence of alerting whatever company had been present. Elysia quickened her pace to try and catch up with Scott, while also staying alert in case of an unexpected encounter. Adrenalin raced through her as she tried to anticipate what could happen, for all she knew this encounter could be fatal or otherwise deleterious to her health. This day turned from good to terrible in a fraction of a second.