[h2][color=6ecff6]Navi the Fairy[/color] and [color=228B22]Link, the Hero of Memory[/color] - EXT: Bakery[/h2] Navi." He tested the word again as he woke up in the cart, he yawned and carefully looked over at the girl beside her. Link thought for a moment, this Navi... It would be someone he had met, the Hero of Time wouldn't give him a name for someone he didn't know. He wondered about it, Zelda couldn't have been Navi. The Hero of Time had said her which ruled out the Shadow of himself... Could it be Ciela? After all she had met a Hero before and lived a long time. Carefully he moved to look at her, he decided to approach the situation carefully. So he sat up and looked at the fairy girl with a slight smile. "Morning Ciela. Guess who I met in my vision?" He waited a couple second before saying softly. "The Hero of Time!" He watched her reaction to that carefully then continuing on. "He told me to tell a girl named Navi he forgave her... That he missed her terribly." He laughed softly moving to sit beside Navi. "Then he changed into a child and told me he owed Navi a big hug." He laughed a little louder. "I never thought of the Hero as child asking for hugs!" Navi was woken by the bright gold of the Triforce glowing on Link's hand. Seconds later he also woke muttering a word that Navi could not quite make out. Navi almost froze when he said [i]her name[/i] aloud once more. How could he know her name, it was impossible, Zelda had stricken it from all the records and legends of the Hero of Time. He could not have read it or heard a story of her. Then Navi remembered the Triforce of Courage had been glowing. How could Navi have been so foolish. Of course he had had a vision, and apparently talked with Navi's old charge. Her face hardened slightly when he talked about the Hero of Time. If she had been younger it might have meant a great deal. It more than likely would have brought the fairy girl to tears but she was older now. Her memories of the Hero of Time were burned into her mind. For a warrior he had always been a gentle soul. No doubt even if she had taken up the Master's Sword and stabbed him through the heart with it he still would have forgiven her in the end. "It is not an image most people remember the Great Hero by. Many of the Heroes were called quite young. The Hero of Time was eleven, the Hero of Winds was Thirteen. The statues they build in Town Square make them look like noble and valiant men, which of course they were, but most started out as insecure, uncertain boys." Navi turned her face away from Link. As a fairy she was a fairly adept liar. That likely was not a credit to her race. However the fairy girl unsure if she could lie about her own identity and history without giving something away in her eyes. "As for Navi, most of my people do not appreciate hearing that name spoken aloud. I would prefer you kept it off your tongue." Navi did not want to be harsh but that was how it came out. It was not only that Navi was attempting to imitate the tone and manor other fairies used when referring to her, she was more than a little ashamed of the name she bore and what it symbolized to every other member of her race. Link nodded and shrunk back a little from the fairy. "Sorry to bring it up..." He sighed and stood up, carefully stretching. "So Ciela, apparently I'm to find artifacts linking to eleven heroes some that never even existed in our world." He sighed looking at her. "So is Zelda sleeping upstairs in the bakery?" He asked looking at where they had stopped figuring the bakers had given her room. He sighed and looked back at the fairy girl. "The Ocarina linked me to Hero of Time. He said I could call upon him and... Well he could take over, in a sense I would become him." He looked at her, knowing a fairy of wisdom would want the whole story. "He told me I was not just the Hero of Hyrule but also Hero among Heroes. Apparently I link all the heroes and let them share in each other's powers and skills." He paused looking at her a little nervously. "I'm no kid but that's a tall order, I have to save the world and give all the heroes the skills they need save their worlds as well." He gulped and looked at the door. "Anyway, I'm gonna go wake up Zelda" He threw her his rupees pouch. "Can you get us some breakfast should be about three-hundred rupees in there." He said starting for the door. Navi was more than happy that Link did not pursue the issue. She would have been more than capable of explaining her actions back then from the third person and condemning them giving Link the impression that she was speaking of a different fairy. It would not have been a pleasant experience and Navi was happy to be spared from it. Navi nodded when Link mentioned having to connect the heroes, some that had never existed. It did not surprise her. As one of the only Heroes to travel through years her Link had caused a tear in time, a dividing line that separated out destinies between two paths. Well the Hero of Ages had also navigated the threads of time but he had not wounded time because he traveled by the power of the Oracle of Ages the Caretaker all that was, all that is and all that ever could be. He had righted wrongs of another traveler rather than causing them himself. The Ocarina of Time was far less gentle to the threads of time. This division of time because of Navi's Hero was something that the fairy jester had found unimaginably amusing. "I may be able to help with that, my people live outside the flow of normal time. As a result we can see and know things that might have happened but never did. Is there a particular hero you wanted to begin with? Most of then had special items that I am sure are still in Hyrule." When Link said the Ocarina of Time allowed him to call upon to Hero of Time, to let him [i]take over[/i], Navi's heart skipped a beat. Did that truly mean how it sounded. That she could speak to [i]her[/i] Link again? Or was it merely that the current Hero would gain the fighting skills of the Hero of Time. She could not be sure till it happened. Link tossed her a rupee pouch as he went to wake Princess Zelda. Navi did not appreciate being treated like a scullery maid but took it in her stride. More than likely they would all take turns fetching supplies at some point. Navi was just about to leave the cart when she spotted something near Link's seat. It was a torn strip of green fabric. Thinking that it came from Link's tunic, clumsy boy, Navi picked it up. The moment the blue light of her aura touched it however the green melted away revealing a jet black fabric that seemed to swallow all light, Shadow Cloth. The Shadow had been here. But why? Was he taunting them? Showing them he had the power to appear wherever they were and could hurt them at any time. Navi glanced around but she caught no sight of him. She could not feel the presence of shadow magic either. The blue fairy hopped down from the cart and just as she was about to enter a shop for some breakfast a sickly pain wracked her abdomen. Navi crawled to a nearby alley and wretched. Twelve hours, she was paying for the drinking game she had played with that goron. It had been worth a fair number of rupees but now she was experiencing all the effects of the alcohol in one massive burst as her body expelled it. She wretched again.