[b]Name[/b]: Yoshito Nambu. [b]Age[/b]: 13. [b]Height[/b]: 5'3. [b]Weight[/b]: 120 lb. [b]Path[/b]: Hikari. [b]Weapon[/b]: Studded gauntlets, used for forearm protection and offensive purposes (not always in use). [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://statici.behindthevoiceactors.com/behindthevoiceactors/_img/chars/char_17287.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: Yoshito is the sort of sarcastic, unenthusiastic child that didn't get along with others his age. He enjoys having a good laugh at minor things, which may cause him to come off as easily distracted, but Yoshito maintains a correct focus. Despite him being so young, his intellect is far above what most would regard it to be. He most often has a strong will and moral compass, but also spends perhaps too much time laid back, causing the severity of most situations to bring him little, if not any fear. Overall Yoshito is an independent person that prefers getting most things done on his own, or not at all. [b]Biography[/b]: Growing up even younger than Yoshito is before was very troubled. Not financially, but Yoshito himself was a born a youngling with zero discipline. At school he was neither a bully, nor one picked upon, though his grades were an obvious failure. Only for a short while was it tolerable until both Yoshito's parents figured they couldn't handle a child much longer, especially one of this audacity. At the age of 7, Yoshito had been sent to be raised and trained at a temple of martial artists a few miles outside of his home village. There he obtained new power, and learned techniques that gave him a new mindset, and something more to do. Here he didn't have to be bored by those around him at school, and his foolhardy ways were taken care of. Only recently did Yoshito move to Asheville where he recruited himself, making him something of a "new kid". [b]Martial Art Style[/b] - 1.) [i][u]Togakure-ryū[/u][/i]: A traditional ninpō (Ninjutsu) that focuses on analyzing your opponent through combat in order to gain additional information on said opponents fighting patterns. This knowledge may be used in physical escapes and often evasion techniques in order to counter attack when an opening is exposed. 2.) [i][u]Ng Ga Kuen/Ng Gar King[/u][/i]: A Chinese style of martial arts that incorporates techniques from the five Shaolin animals: the tiger, the dragon, the leopard, the snake and the crane. Ng Ga Kuen brings together a multitude of fighting styles that are used for various situations and scenarios such as speed (Leopard), strength (Tiger), evasion (Snake), equilibrium (Crane), and intellect or the ability to smoothly preform in combat (Dragon). Most techniques are seen utilizing open palm thrusts, parries, and boxing combat. [b]Magic Abilities[/b] - 1.) [i][u]Photokinetic Combat[/u][/i]: The ability to fuse light energy within your body to greatly increase your speed tenfold, which also amplifies hitting power, allowing for much faster attacks, and a much quicker evasion. Yoshito cannot literally move at light speed. 2.) [i][u]Energy Beam Emission[/u][/i]: A beam of pure light and energy usually ejected from the palm of fingertips that can be thinned out for accurate shooting, or widened for large destruction. Not only is the beam used to project damage, but can smite dark energy and absorb life-force to make an opponent feel weaker. Almost predictable if used too often. 3.) [i][u]Photon Healing[/u][/i]: Yoshito may heal himself or others using a photogenic regenerative process. Larger wounds may take longer, and this ability will run out if a light source is not current.