[@MonsieurShade][@yukisaa] Listening to the explanation about what his metal could handle, Zaheer nodded but some of the information that was given to him sort of went through one ear and out the other but what he did make out of it was that his metal could handle certain guns but very powerful weapons of death...he would not come out unscathed. Now, when explaining the damage he can cause with his power, a huge grin appeared on Zaheer's face as it flashed his fangs he naturally had. [color=ed1c24]Oh maaaan...I wish I coulda been there to see that. Ah! That means I can see it soon since we get to test our power here!! No...actually I would like to see you fight someone! No...how about...[/color] before he could get out all he could say, Zaheer noticed a familiar face. The girl...no, one of the twins he saw on the bus. She came up while he and Dimitri was having a conversation but really didn't mind because this just meant that, Zaheer had another person he could ask about their abilities. When the girl came up, she seemed to already know Dimitri but then brought her eyes upon Zaheer, asking who he was. She was quite pretty to him as he hesitated to take in her scent before speaking [color=ed1c24]I'm Zaheer....aka, Wildside! You...you're that double girl from the bus. Who are you?[/color] he said with a fang baring smile on his face [color=ed1c24]Do you have cool powers too like Metal man?[/color] he asked, ignoring the announcement about the class and year gathering arrangement.