Geoff's entrance to the Pawn Shop was somewhat subdued. Quite a crowd had gathered, among whom a few familiar faces were visible. He considered greeting one of the assembled chasers he was familiar with, but thought better of it. He didn't need money, not after the retrieval down in Okinawa, but that did not mean he was not hungry for work, and he suspected his interests and those of his few acquaintances would not coincide. He doubted she would be interested in the type of work he was hungry for, anyways. It had been weeks since he had had an excuse to go back into the Crimson for research, or even exploration. Rent was a powerful motivator, and had forced his aims to a rather more practical course than he would usually prefer. He was hungry to explore, to take pictures and hopefully encounter some at least [i]more[/i] friendly demons. The last time he had made successful contact was nearly a month ago, and despite the long-necked man's fascination with the workings and shape of his liver, he was not at all unpleasant company. He had even given Geoff one of his scrolls, though apparently the document did not appreciate the transfer back to the human world. Geoff would remember not to mention that. He elbowed his way to the front of the pack, knowing new assignments would be posted today. His eyes stretched to dinner plates when he saw the SSS rank. The danger was a worry, obviously, but it would at least start as a research and investigation mission, which was just the excuse he would need. If what he found was too much for him, he could just back out and demand payment for his contribution: such missions were usually forced to reward such tactics, and Geoff wasn't going to let an opportunity for potentially-paying research slip past him. He set on it immediately, though he was slightly off-put by a shout next to him. What looked like a young girl shouting in a particularly uncomfortable voice, proclaiming her assumption of the mission. She would be a chaser, of course, and Geoff had learned a long time ago that age does not necessarily correlate with power within the crimson, but maturity certainly still did. He could just imagine the imposition she could pose to his work if left unchecked, his mind flashing through the worst-case and least-likely scenarios. Regardless, he would not be swayed from his course. He took a step towards the girl, not making any gestures of greeting but still clearly addressing her. "So, you're taking the SSS too? I like the cut of your jib, I'm picking it up too. What's your name?" May as well try and mitigate the inconvenience, Geoff figured.