[h1][color=lightblue]Caspar Deveraux[/color][/h1] [hr] Caspar had been casually observing the students as they socialized in the lounge area of the institute. There seemed to be quite some unusual characters but that was to be expected since they were all unusual and different. He made an effort to make eye contact with a few people, smiling and trying to make himself seem nice and approachable. The white haired male was horrible at starting conversations but was able to hold one really well if one was brought to him. Sipping the water he got from the cooler, he began to walk around the lounge area to get a good look at the area since he failed to do some when he arrived. He was so keen on getting his stuff unpacked and claim his bed. Caspar being an only child would make it difficult for him to live with other students since he was so used to having just his own things. Even though he came from money, he didn't want to give off that snobby rich boy vibe that would make people automatically hate him. He wanted to fit in and start fresh with everyone. After most of the students became someone acquainted with one another, it was announced that it was time for them to get ready for the banquet in the Academy ball room. Caspar took his time as he made his way up to his dorm room, looking at his surroundings and taking everything in. Since this would be his home for awhile, he better get used to seeing this everyday. Once he was in his room, he noticed his roommate had already been inside and got ready by the way clothes were thrown on the bed. Caspar arched his eyebrow and gritted his teeth as he went to his closet to take out his suit. This roommate of his was going to be a messy one. That just won't do. Even though he was used to having people clean for him at his house, he realized that he was taking big responsibilities being here, meaning he would be doing his chores on his own. He groaned at the thought of doing laundry, but knew this would be good for him. He can't rely on his parents for everything. In almost no time, Caspar was ready to head down to the ballroom. Before he left his dorm room, he stared into the full body mirror that was attached to the closet to readjust his tie. His [url=http://i333.photobucket.com/albums/m391/grag321/00030m.jpg]suit[/url] was all white as he wanted to keep up with his style aesthetic. He just hoped he wouldn't spill anything on him because it would be highly noticeable. Running his fingers through his combed white hair, he stared back at himself with his bright blue eyes before exited the room. He was soon enough in the ball room where he stopped and looked around. This was the type of stuff he was used to: Elegance, fanciness, and extravagance. He sighed as walked through the room, noticing that other students had already begun to sit and converse with one another. Keeping his blank expression on his face, he quietly approached the table and sat at his assigned seat where he noticed his name was written finely on a placard. Caspar scooted his chair up and crossed his legs, looking over at his classmates as he picked up his glass of water and began to sip it.