Sasha couldn't help herself but to giggle aloud, as she heard the boy attempt to respond with an uncaring attitude. Obviously nothing more than a facade, a paper-thin one at that too, if his stuttering was any sort of indication. However, for someone to continue to resist themselves against her words, it was quite intriguing. Despite the fact that she was obviously playing around and not actually aiming to manipulate the boy, she still felt like it was an amusing challenge, or game. "Oh my, so it seems that you are confident in yourself. Careful now, else I just might call that little bluff of yours~!" Teasing the boy once again, she walked closer and leaned towards the boy once more. "You know, there's nothing wrong with being attracted. All you have to do is take a chance, and take charg-" However teasing her actions and tone were, it was cut short by a cute growling sound, with Sasha's face becoming tinged with a lovely shade of pink. Quickly stepping back, the Russian backed off from the boy. "Eh....shall we get going?" Somewhat knocked off pace by the betrayal of her own hunger, she fidgeted slightly while breaking eye contact with Lucifer, her face still dyed that same shade of pink.