Amy walked into class with a slight aura of trepidation about her at being here. A school like this, focused on the martial arts, set her on edge like little else could. This owed, primarily, to the massive mix of styles and the morality behind those who wielded them. She could almost guarantee some of the people here were, put simply, berserkers who just wanted a fight. That said, she made her way to her seat and sat down quietly anyway, tapping her fingernails on the desk nervously. Looking up, she noted a man was already here and, upon checking the board, she quickly realized this was none other than the headmaster of the school, which only set her further on edge. Why was he here? Was she in some kind of class for problem students? Maybe it was the opposite and this was an honors class meant for people the headmaster himself had selected? The very idea was nerve wracking, either way, and she sighed to herself at that. Being so nervous was out of character for her, but it was the first day of school so she supposed that was to be expected. Her own attire very much resembled the headmaster's own, but her clothing was a more traditional white gi, tied with a simple belt. It was rather unconventional to not wear a belt signalling one's skill level, but she figured that it was best to be cautious for her first few days here. Flicking some of her hair out of her eyes, she began to toy with the grip to one of her fighting knives to pass the time. The weapons hadn't ever bit flesh, at least not in earnest, and so were fairly easy to keep clean. They shone with a silver gleam that indicated years of careful tending, never being allowed to lapse into dis-repair. Fully drawing them, she lay both knifes on her desk in a cross shape. This way she could draw both quickly if need be, but also served as an easy way of telegraphing to the others that entered what she used to fight. That said, she couldn't just keep sitting here quietly, and eventually voice "[color=003471]Umm, Kouchou, are you going to be our teacher for the year?[/color]"