[center][img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/728f/f/2015/070/a/8/s_h_i_n_y_s_h_i_n_y__senji_x_reader__drabble_by_kykyghibli-d8l8e8y.jpg[/img][/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mk0PdLZqZqU][i]"All I'm trying to do is live my motherf***ing life. Supposed to be happy. You know... wear a smile on my face, but there's a demon inside."[/i][/url][/center] [Center][h2] 7th Ward [/h2][/center] [color=ee82ee][b]"Ah, actually I should be getting up about this time anyways. Thanks, but here."[/b][/color] Mitsurugi was handed a piece of paper that gave the address to her house, which lied on just the outside of Ward 2's border and a key to said house. [i][color=ed1c24]'Dammit, now I'm even closer to the CCG...The opposite of what I wanted.'[/color][/i] He thought as he smiled at her. [color=ee82ee][b]"Feel free to let yourself in, I live alone so its a bit bare, sorry. Anyway, I gotta go or I'll be late for work."[/b][/color] He gave a polite nod as she took off, which was kinda weird, and waved to her as she disappeared. When she was gone his smile quickly fading to a scowl. It was only a moment before he turned to the light post nearby and gave it a quick snapkick, bending the pole at the bottom, causing it to cave in and fall down on top of a car park just a few feet up, caving in its roof. [color=ed1c24]"God fucking dammit. I've been trying to avoid those..."[/color] He looked in the direction of the 1st Ward and squinted his eyes. Sure, it was one of his hunting grounds but rarely did he go there. To risky for him right now at least. He sighed as he turned in the direction of where the girl went and shook his head as he lept to the roof of a building on the opposite side of the street before placing his mask on his face again and his hood up. [color=ed1c24]"Let's go see how Hydra's Nest is doing.[/color] He smirked under his mask before crouching low with his right foot back. Hyde had planned on getting there as quickly as possible and the way he was feeling, he would do just that. With the kick of the foot and a small crater in the roofing he lept high ad far into the air a street over before taking off in a high speed sprint. He had got to the end of the street before crouching low and placing his hand into the ground. With the momentum he had and then the sudden stop in one direction, he was able to whip himself around the corner at an incredibly high speed before jumping up onto another rooftop. His destination, 19th Ward, home of Hydra's Nest. [color=ed1c24]'I really should pay the King a visit. Haven't seen him in awhile.'[/color] He was fully aware of Hydra's Nest. A close nit group that relied on each others help but also held firm their territory. He was expecting to be watched by their members but it didn't really matter with him, a formality if you will. He respected their wishes and would ask for hunting privileges.