[center][h2][color=cyan]Sage "Kitsune" Forester[/color] | [color=gold]20th Ward - in route to 19th[/color][/h2] Sage sighed, slumping down until her chin rested on the glossy countertop. Today just wasn't a good day. Hardly anyone had shown up and Sage was left to staring out the window in boredom. The next shift didn't come in until later and the boss was holed up in his office. The girl idly twirled a pen between her fingers, wishing it wasn't so dead today. Another sigh left her lips before the jingling of the bell above the door had her perking up and excitedly turning her gaze to the door. She deflated slightly to see Adam, the next shift. She then frowned slightly at him. [color=cyan]"You're shift isn't for another hour."[/color] The boy shrugged. [color=lightgreen]"Boss called me in early."[/color] The sound of a door opening drew their attention towards the door of their bosses office. [color=lightblue]"Guys we're going to have to close early, family emergency."[/color] Sage blinked and before she knew she had gathered up her coat and was being ushered out the door. She stood there for a few seconds before sighing and shrugging her coat on. She didn't really feel like going home yet so what was she to do. She began walking in a random direction, heading towards the 19th ward.[/center]