[@XxLyraxX][@FallenTrinity] [19th Ward] "Hmm hmm hmmmmm~" Yaya, or was it Yata?, was walking on a ledge in an over exaggerated manner, kicking her legs out with each step and swinging her arms. She had already made up a new name for herself, not liking the old one as Much and finding it too masculine. "So boring out here and my tummy is rumbling. Humans are so boring to eat too, they break so easy...Hmm?" Yaya sniffed the air, a demented grin coming across her face. The scent of Ghoul was In the air. She rubbed her stomach "Hm, I haven't tried Ghoul for a while." Yaya had two choices. Chase after the ghoul and possibly fight Hydras Nest or go home and have a dull night. "Hehe" She silently took off, leaping to the rooftops and staking the Ghoul TIL she was "safely" by herself. Yaya grinned, leaping off the roof top and downwards towards the girl. "READY OR NOT HERE I COMEEEE" Her scorpion like tail emerged from her back, shooting it downwards towards the girls neck. The plan was to paralysis her whole body, that way shed have time to play with her food.