[@Phobos][@FallenTrinity] Out of all the things Sage thought might happen today, being attacked from behind was not one of them. Should she have been human, she certainly wouldn't have noticed the incoming assault until it was too late but it seemed being a ghoul had its perks. If the shout the other person made didn't notify her of the impeding attack then the sound of air rushing past a person as they leaped from above certainly did. Before Sage knew what was happening, her body acted instinctively. Her form tensed before leaping out of the way at the last minute. She hit the ground, rolled and popped up onto her feet. She frowned, gazing at the woman attacking her. As her eyes took in the activated Kagune Sage grew confused. Had she accidentally wandered onto another ghoul's turf. She glanced uneasily at the empty street, cursing herself for her lack of concentration at where she was walking. She didn't realize until know that she had been walking into a deserted part of the city where no one really goes. And now she was alone with a ghoul intent on doing her harm. Maybe she could defuse the situation? It was worth a shot. [color=cyan]"Why are you attacking me? If I have wandered onto your hunting grounds then I will happily leave. There is no need for violence."[/color] Despite her words, Sage's body was tense, ready to activate her Kagune at a moments notice.