Alexander paused for a moment struggling with the question. He had never really given much thought to it, though he had known that most hunter used a switch-weapon of some sort. He looked at his blade reluctantly, it nearly the exact same as his mother's, though smaller and not made with star-metal. He listened to the other ideas but it helped him with his problems naught. Alexander shrugged and turned to Sapphire somewhat sheepishly, though she was somewhat reclusive he probably knew her more than any of his other team mates. "I don't suppose you have any ideas for me do you? Its just that yours sounds so cool, and well thought out as well." he whispered somewhat sheepishly. Alexander felt like choosing nothing would be worse than choosing something even if it wasn't very good. The only problem was he had no idea what that something was. He began brainstorming harder, maybe something to do with the gun that he had gotten from that bandit? Hm.... [@NanoFreakV2]