[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/6BwMh9u.png[/img] Ueda Natsumi [sup]17th ward - 23:07 hrs[/sup][/center] The visibly custom white and black Nissan Skyline, with Natsumi sitting behind its dark tinted windows, pulls off the road and out to the rear of a low-budget and slightly suspicious restaurant, turning off her lights as she pulls in. Behind the restaurant, out of sight from the broader world an updated total of 4 cars of varying aesthetics are lined up, facing an alley that leads out to a major intersection in the central areas of the ward. After turning the cars systems off and claiming her keys, she takes a screwdriver from the glovebox and steps out of the car. As she closes the door and paces to the front of the car, a familiar face - an asian-american man wearing a bucket hat regardless of the time - greets Natsumi with a fistbump. [b]"Hey, I'm glad you could make it!"[/b] greets the man as Natsumi kneels down and begins detaching her front license plate. [b]"You know the rules and the route?"[/b] [b]"Yeah,"[/b] Natsumi answers with a nod as she detaches the license plate and tucks it under her arm, [b]"same as two weeks ago, just stopping at the intersection at 19th instead of doing a circuit back to 17th, right?"[/b] [b]"Yeah, you got it."[/b] the man confirms as he paces along with Natsumi, who now detaches her rear license plate. [b]"If the police come in, just remember to scatter. We'll return any bets."[/b] [b]"Yeah, right."[/b] Natsumi responds as she detaches the rear numberplate and opens the passenger door to toss it on the floor. The man looks to the entrance as a fifth car pulls on before he folds his arms with a nod. [b]"Alright, we're all here. Meet you at the finish line, yeah?"[/b] [b]"Keep the camera ready, cause I'll be the first to arrive."[/b] Natsumi boasts with a smirk as she opens the driver-side door. After trading waves with the man, she climbs into the drivers seat and pulls her seat-belt down. After a brief exchange with the fifth car and the driver removing both license plates, the asian-american man paces out to the front of the lineup and holds up his hand, all appendages outstretched to indicate '5'. Natsumi slips her key into the ignition and rotates it completely, bringing the car to life, and moves the gearstick into first. She presses on the clutch before pressing the accelerator to rev up the engine. '4'. '3'. '2'. '1'. [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KBGhdQTgpU][♫][/url][/center] The man makes an exaggerated point down the alley as he steps back and out of the way. The assembly of cars roar to life, taking off down the alleyway, making a formation of five in series in order to fit through the alley, before flying out into the intersection to the surprise and frustration of many drivers, a number of whom had to slam on the brakes. Natsumi, sitting on second gear from the speed gathered from the somewhat lengthy alley, eases on the accelerator as she makes a left corner at the intersection before straightening out and getting herself behind the third place driver. Natsumi slams the gearstick into third and then into forth, making the most of the long and wide stretches of road provided by the large, two-lanes each way road running from 17th, through to 16th, then to 4th, then down to 1st. The turns are wide and there's plenty of road to operate on, so it'd be reckless to not use the straights to her advantage. She rapidly gains on the third place driver, getting in close to him before tucking on his inside at the next turn and moving past him. She pokes her tongue out as she passes the driver before moving to line up with the rear of the second place driver, training on her next gain as she moves well into fifth gear. The assembly of cars boom through the roads, performing all sorts of road offenses between them all. A duo of police officers in their cruiser cruise along the road heading up to the main road, the passenger enjoying her coffee as they take in the night sights of Tokyo; of course, both the night sights and the coffee are ruined when five high-speed vehicles roar past the t-intersection and the coffee is sprayed all over the window in surprise and urgency. No words are required between the two officers - the driver slams on the accelerator as the passenger flips on the lights and sirens before going for the radio. [b]"Dispatch, this is Cruiser 16-E, signal 13 westbound along the 16th ward main, codes 505A and 510. We count 5 persons."[/b] [b]"Cruiser 16-E, this is Dispatch - acknowledged, out, to you; all available 16th call-signs, this is dispatch, over."[/b] The conversation continues as available cruisers report in to dispatch. The street race continues, the cars now turning off the main road to hit the streets leading to the 19th ward. Natsumi slams on the clutch before pulling up the handbrake and turning the wheel right, causing the back to spin out left and her nose to point to the right-hand turn. As she begins to slip out, she releases the handbrake, turns the wheel left to turn into the spin and releases the clutch, sending her drifting into the turn before she straightens out and beads onwards towards the second place driver. As Natsumi begins her attempts to get on the inside of the second place driver during the various turns leading up to the 19th ward, various police cruisers bead onto the racers and begin following in pursuit. Natsumi glances into her rear view mirror, seeing the drivers behind her begin to scatter at the sight of the red and blue lights, and lets out a curse. She looks to the second place and first place drivers, who continue on course, before she lets out a 'tch' and looks over to a small switch with a single LED at the bottom on her dashboard. As they enter a softer corner, Natsumi seizes her chance - she brings her nose in to form a straight path through the curve in the road before she flicks the switch, bringing the red LED to light, as she slams on the pedal to bring the throttle to full open. The car surges and jolts forward as the nitrous enters the system and the demand for fuel in the mixture skyrockets. After roaring past the second place driver, she flicks the switch off to disable the nitrous system and brings herself in to the rear of the first place driver. After about 10 seconds or so, the third place driver scatters, a cruiser going after him and leaving three cruisers with her and the first place driver. They continue on course, keeping their speeds up, as the police slowly gain on them. Ahead of the two drivers is a Y-intersection, splitting off and heading different ways entirely - one leads back to the 17th ward and one enters the 19th ward. The first place driver and her don't even need to negotiate - they lasted this long and that's enough bragging rights. As the first place driver splits right to hit the road to the 17th ward, Natsumi pulls left and continues on to the 19th ward, gunning down the road and weaving through traffic as two of the prior three cruisers stay in pursuit. Natsumi grits her teeth as she continues through traffic and beads for the path she knows - the one she can hopefully slip the police with. [hr][center][sup][b]Skip to here if tl;dr[/b] All you gotta know is 19th ward, street races gone wrong, and police chasing after her after she scattered.[/sup][/center][hr] After proceeding well into the 19th ward, Natsumi pulls a hard left at a four-way intersection and beads along, pressing for an alley at the turn up ahead. She drops the gear to third as she moves into the alley, causing one of the cruisers to break off to wrap around as the other goes through. She drifts a hard left as she comes out before she rockets forward for the ramp up to the overhead toll road, occasionally bumping the clutch and revving up the engine to make her presence known; this may come to the presence of a nearby party ([@XxLyraxX] [@Phobos] [@FallenTrinity]), as this would be unfolding conveniently close to their events. Natsumi guns for the ramp - as opposed to going up it, though, she swerves left of it and drifts right with a less-focused turn to continue her around and move underneath it. As she moves underneath the ramp and out of sight, she slams on the breaks before quickly turning off the ignition and holding her breath. She waits in the silence of the car, holding her breath out of fear of being caught alone, as the sirens near; the sirens boom overhead, continuing onto the toll road and moving along. After a moment for her to process that she evaded prosecution, she lets out a cheer as she opens the door and grasps her license plates. She shouts her joy as she goes about the process of putting her plates back on - conveniently alone under a noisy toll road.