The fins lining the top of Ptolemy's head wiggled as he entered Gym 3, glancing around at the other 3rd Years. Familiar faces. He even spotted the Magic Studies club, or the MSc, among their number. He was only really friends with the new president, and the others viewed him more as a source of esoteric knowledge, the Atlantean's having a far better grasp of the more outlandish and odd magic's than the Land-bound. Part of his nomination for Vice-Presidency at the end of Year 1, and now it was time to start thinking up a replacement. Golem was the first to come to mind. The boy had a way with kabbalah, but he would wait and see what the 1st Years could bring to the table. He wiggled his toes in his sandals, unsure of what to do. It was the arrival of Mr. Adam and another student which saved him from his uncertainty. He observed her body language for a moment, horizontal and vertical eyelids coming to squint. She gave off a familiar impression, and one he had become very good at giving off himself. Either she wanted to be left alone, or she did not know where to really begin. His expression remained flat, but his gills fluttered in consideration. With a shrug of his shoulders, he moved over to join the other student against the wall to her side, casting her a stiff nod as a silent greeting. Best not to push it for now. [@ReaptheMusic]