Well, I'm finally back here, after god knows how long. I kept trying to bring myself to come back, knowing that the longer I stayed away, the harder it was to get back into everything. But that was really the problem to start with. Everything started to feel like a 'job' I had to do. Which is absolutely ridiculous. I enjoyed RP because I loved being creative online with other people, not because I wanted another responsibility on my shoulders. But that's what it felt like, which was why I requested my hiatus. Unfortunately, my feelings haven't changed. I still care about the people I've met and the content we've created, but the actual act of 'RPing' isn't fun for me anymore. So I've decided that I'm leaving for good. I am a little sad, like I'm admitting defeat or something, but I know it's the right thing to do. Thank you so much for letting me into your little pieces of imagination. I've had a lot of fun. :D Take care. P.S. Many thanks to Sho for his patience and I know he'll take care of this RP awesomely. He's one of the most committed GMs I've met, and Then don't say that lightly. Also a shout out to my two closest friends in this RP, Sword and Sen. Sword, I hope your service goes well, and feel free to hit me up if you do end up in Britain. And Sen, don't forget we need to double SCH it up someday!