[CENTER][IMG]http://36.media.tumblr.com/9b373d1b2ba21b5a7113bc5cb7e2eba9/tumblr_nofswaRVv61sgvm3vo1_500.jpg[/IMG] [H2]Yume Soma[/H2] [H3][B]Location:[/B] 15th Ward[/H3][/CENTER] Yume would glance over towards Tatsuo and the others once they made it to the location of the exploded building. Tapping her fingers against her hips as she looked at the ruins in front of her once again before watching the King running of into the distance, barely visible as he was somewhere between the rummage. The smell of blood was slowly becoming worse and stronger, indicating that some people had passed away. It was never nice to witness these things but it was not an abnormal happening either as not everyone was just as peaceful. She stuffed her thumbs in the pockets of her jeans as the King came back to them only to say that they were going to stay here for quite some time which made her huff in response as she did not feel like staying put until night time. But it had to be done if she wanted to or not. Walking towards the coffee shop with the others however Yume did not say much at all as she did not exactly know the other two guys that were with Tatsuo. Maybe it was her fault for not having actually met them before but well… that was just something like her to happen as she was not the most talkative person around strangers. She gripped the ends of her sleeves as she stood in line to order her coffee. Black without any sugar or milk thrown into it, the way she liked it the best. Warming her hands as they were placed on the sides of the cup an sat down next to Tatsuo as she took a sip from her drink. Shivering a little as the liquid went down her throat as it had been a while since she had drunk coffee, maybe longer than two weeks in total. Her coffee machine broke down and she had not been to the store yet to buy a new one. [@Phobos] [@RangingWolf] [@floodtalon]