Hanzõ entered the schoolgrounds. They were by now familiar to him, he had been walking around there in the nighttime for the past few days, hiding from curious eyes. But now it was daytime and there were others. He was walking towards the homeroom, taking mental notes about others and pushing past them when they were walking too slow for his taste. But he did not shove or move anyone, he just sort of slid past them in all peace, avoiding conflict for now. He was already wearing his Karate Gi for the school and the chain around his waist rests there without a sound as he steps inside just as quietly, his bare feet causing little to no sound at all. There were already people inside, and the headmaster, a the board said, was addressing a student already. That was fast. He took a seat and sat in place completely still with that small smile on his lips, waiting and listening for the sounds of living around him, now this is more what felt like home so far.