WIP - almost finished [hider=Macus Trebque] Name: Marcus Trebeque Age:26 Profession/Trade: E.P. (Encounter Professional) An E.P. is a very controversial and new job title in the world of pokemon. It refers to those who train to be proficient in engage, counter measuring, neutralising and interacting specifically with wild pokemon. Due to the risks of exploration in uncharted and non-domesticated lands, when the likes of running into a herd of species or unintentionally antagonising them is realistically possibility. People of this nature are hired for such expeditions. The controversy, is that they are typically hired by poachers, hunters or those that will pursue wild pokemon just for game. Skills/traits: Marcus is well versed in [b][color=39b54a]recognizing behavioural patterns in wild pokemon[/color][/b]. This means he has [b][color=39b54a]limited means of communicating with wild pokemon[/color][/b], but he has also trained his own pokemon to [b][color=39b54a]communicate with similar species[/color][/b]. He earned his [b][color=39b54a]Animal Psychology[/color][/b] and has been [b][color=39b54a]working as a W.E.P.[/color][/b] for the last 5 years. It goes without saying that Marcus is an accredited [b][color=39b54a]expert in engaging with dangerous and hostile wild pokemon[/color][/b] and dealing with [b][color=39b54a]wild pokemon emergencies[/color][/b]. Due to the nature of Marcus's job, he has developed sideline skills suited to espionage. He know how to [b][color=0054a6]move with stealth[/color][/b] through hostile or enemy territory. Marcus effectively know how to [b][color=0054a6]pull off a heist[/color][/b]. Marcus is also very quick to decide when someone else [b][color=0054a6]becomes expendable[/color][/b] without orders to do so. He is not beyond [b][color=0054a6]using others as bait[/color][/b]. However, Marcus's expertise only go as far as to address how to [b][color=ed1c24]manipulate pokemon[/color][/b], and his actions naturally [b][color=ed1c24]disassociate responsibility[/color][/b] to the wild over the actions he might take for the safety of his crew or employer after they are gone. He doesn't spend time keeping and maintaining himself in the wild, so while he can control pokemon to a limited degree, he [b][color=ed1c24]doesn't know how to survive[/color][/b] amongst them. His skills with wild pokemon also [b][color=ed1c24]do not translate over into competitive battling[/color][/b] which pits his skills against another conspiring human mind. Equipment: Pokegear, Burn/Poison/Sleep/Freeze/Paralysis heals, potions, stun rod (induces temporary paralysis on a pokemon), TMP (like an EMP, but with chemical that freezes into ice on contact with air rather than sending a pulse of electricity.) Appearance:(hapuriainen.deviantart.com/art/Pokemon.. I highly recommend this even if its just to get a vague idea of a character appearance. It's simple but effective) Personality: (What really makes them tick? what ticks them off? what drives them? Why did they want this job? Give me an idea of what they really want out of this journey if not life.) Background:(The three things I really want to know are: social class/early years, professional life, and major turning points that define them.) Pokemon(you may start with 2 pokemon, or 3 if you choose a profession specifically about pokemon training) Species: Cyndaquil Name: Nova Ability: Flash Fire Moves: Tackle, Smokescreen, Ember, Will-o-wisp (Leer) Appearance: http://img06.deviantart.net/3e8b/i/2015/112/6/4/cyndaquil_wearing_a_typhlosion_by_itsbirdyart-d5wiona.jpg Other: Species: Carvanha Name: Shadow Ability: Speed Boost Moves: Rain Dance, Aqua Jet, Thief, Bite (Leer, Focus Energy) Appearance: http://orig03.deviantart.net/b942/f/2015/045/d/4/pkmnation__kira_the_carvanha_seel_by_acetylace-d8i0mr4.png Other: Species: Zubat Name: Ace Ability: Infiltrator Moves: Supersonic, Astonish, Double Team, Aerial Ace (Leech Life) Appearance: http://orig11.deviantart.net/649e/f/2009/339/c/c/zubatman_by_13fenris.gif Other: Pokemon Starters: You may have any basic pokemon (this refers to non-evolved), exlcuding: legendaries, psuedo legendaries, Lucario, Togetic, and any other high stat first stage pokemon (Ex. scyther or pinser.) any pokemon with a baby form must start as that baby pokemon. This is to give our pokemon room to grow as well as give me rarer stronger pokemon to place as challenges and as rewards. [/hider]