[@Xan the G] Well fair warning the RP is currently full. I have been debating letting a fifth person in in which case you'd be competing with sMoKe. I'm also posting the OOC today, so you'll be joining in later if I do decide to include you. Basically I'd recommend that Marcus is already on philitri and that he's been there a while so then we can have a nice continuity. I already have a backup plan if I let sMoKe in late, but for your character being on Philitri seems like the best option. As for my current review of your work heres what I got: stun rod (induces temporary paralysis on a pokemon)Pokegear. Neither of these devices would exist. Electricity is not common place and requires massive power plants or directly hooking up the device to an electric pokemon for the duration of its use as there is no chargeable battery. A pokegear is FAR too advanced for the 1830-60s anyway. the trade is very interesting though I'm somewhat confused by it. basically from what I'm reading Marcus is like the crocodile hunter of pokemon literally running in and messing around with them, but then actually catching them. I think you'll end up butting heads or at least rivaling Robin the resident primordial pokemon ranger. Also points for the zubat sprite yours or not points..