The morning was nice. A little too nice, unfortunately. Kaori had woken up early to get ready and wander around for a bit, get a feel for the grounds. She wore her normal clothes rather than a gi, for comfort's sake, and for the a fact that the first day was home room and she doubted that there'd be any fighting or actual training ons the first day, and even if there were, she could move as easily in these as she could in a gi. But back to before. It was an unfortunately nice morning because the girl thought it would be nice to sit under the shade of a tree for a few moments to relax, and ended up falling back to sleep. The reason she woke up is a mystery, all she knows is that her legs jerked in a. Motion like she was jumping, startling herself awake. Color rose to her cheeks and she glanced around to make sure that no one had seen, then got to her feet, pursed off her pants, and began hurrying towards the building. She was probably late, but hey, what would the teacher do? She entered just after that Hanzõ character did, looking tired and confused, then flopped down at a seat further away from the rest, folding her arms into the desk and resting her chin on them, barely holding her eyes open. Still in a tired daze, she hadn't noticed that the man at the head of the class was the headmaster, and so she showed little respect or reverence when she turned her gaze onto him and gave a slow "Hello." It was gonna be a long day.