[@Phobos] [b][color=f26522][h2]Kazumo Igirir-ward 10----> 12[/h2] [/color][/b][color=aba000]"I don't know how you did it.... but you did it."[/color] A man inside a garage told Kazumo who was spinning himself on one of them spinney chairs. [color=f26522]"If I told ya, Id have to kill ya. But I told you man, the bike is indestructible."[/color] Kazumo said as the garage man picked up a sledgehammer again hit the bike and in turn the bike remained fine while the sledgehammer broke. [color=aba000]"Always a pleasure to see what else this bike can do Kazumo."[/color] The man said with a smile which made Kazumo grin. [color=f26522]"It can drive itself to and all I have to do it push a single button, anyway you got those tires I requested for?"[/color] Kazumo asked to which the man nodded. [color=aba000]"Sure do, but will that even work for this? Oh who am I kidding, you always make it work."[/color] he said walking away to get the tires and while he did he received a text message. Kazumo grinned and laughed at it quite loudly before replying back. [color=f26522]"See you then bby girl ;D"[/color] Kazumo replied as the man brought out the tires and looked at Kazumo curiously. [color=aba000]"Whats so funny?"[/color] he asked to which Kazumo smiled at the man. [color=f26522]"Oh nothing, I just got one hell of a date tonight."[/color] At the twelfth ward he arrived at about 8:30 so he had plenty of free time, in fact a little too much. The roof he sat on where his motorbike also was present had multiple bodies laying upon it. Kazumo while eating at a leg looked towards the shadows. [color=f26522]"You three don't want any of this shit? No? Fine suit yourselves more for me. You three are also only here because fuckboi likes to do stuff strategically, so I feel I would be fighting more than just him. So if anyone else comes then you guys get to play with them..... OH MY GOD IDEA!"[/color] Kazumo shouted standing up and digging into his bag for purple and green spray cans. [color=f26522]"Just so he knows I'm here."[/color] Kazumo stated and proceeded to jump off the building spray painting a giant Barney that anyone who wan't blind could see. When Barney was finished he flew back up to the roof and checked his watch and laughed. [color=f26522]"Still got five minutes to spa-"[/color] Kazumo looked at the now clean roof and looked at the shadows. [color=f26522]"You little....Eh don't care."[/color]