Hitomi strode toward the school, appearing as if she were in a dream. Her eyes were closed as there was no point in her using them anyway, and her mouth was curled into a slight, seemingly content, smile. She weaved her way through the mass of people outside, and stepped into the hallway that would lead to her homeroom. She had rehearsed the steps in her head dozens of times, and with the help of her shadows to 'feel' the way for her, she made it into the room without any issues. When she got to the doorway, she stopped, as she could almost feel the energy coming form the inhabitants of the room. There were quite a few, Hikari and Kurai...and there was one especially powerful one toward what she assumed to be the front of the room. She inhaled sharply; she realized that she was in the presence of the headmaster himself! A powerful aura surrounded the figure, it could be no one else. She bowed her head toward him, not even sure that he'd seen her, then she took a seat near the front of the classroom. She had heard much about the headmaster from her father, who had once studied at the academy. The headmaster was young, younger than Hitomi's father by a great deal. He was handsome, slow to anger, and quite skilled. She put her hands on the desk, and held them as she faced straight forward. Inside, she was almost giddy; she couldn't believe that she was in the presence of the headmaster. Would he be teaching them? That would be amazing, to learn from the very best! Then, she heard him speak: [I]“Give me your names while we wait for the others to arrive…”[/I] This being the first time she ever heard him, she made absolutely certain that she would be able to recognize his voice at any given time. She let the words float in her mind for a good, long time. His voice was a bit shaky, which she thought was unusual for someone who, as her father put it, 'annihilated everyone in his path', but there was also some authority behind his words. Perhaps he just wasn't used to speaking in public? She then heard him exhale, and the sound of a chair sliding on the floor, and a slight creak telling her that he had seated himself. It was at this point that she finally decided to speak: "Headmaster. I am Hitomi Matsumoto. It is my sincerest pleasure to be in your presence."