[centre][b][u][h1][color=a0410d]Python[/color][/h1][/u][/b][/centre] She started to see his change in belief. Python knew that she had him hooked onto her words. It was nice, seeing that everything depended on what she said and what she did. Birch was just sat quietly. He didn't want to interrupt the words of wisdom that spewed from her mouth. The tone of his voice showed concern. It was exactly what the Brown-She wanted. Python wanted them to fear what inevitably was coming. It had not passed the Highrocks just yet, but they could finally have helped with the downfall of the Clans. She looked towards Mallownose. As he comforted the Kittypet, it made her think. She mused about the fear. She once felt it. She still did, towards this sickness. It was a scary thought, having something poison you and turn you into nothing more than a corpse. Ending a lot of Cat's lives because of the disease brought that smell of blood onto her. She knew they would know of her actions. [color=a0410d]"You're welcome?"[/color] She said to start. [color=a0410d]"To start with your answers...I don't personally call it anything. It has gone by many names...for me, it is just simply Death. You can't escape it. And for treatment...try asking Birchy sometime. According to him it is relevant on the blood your body carries. Many die from it."[/color] She sighed, looking down slightly. [color=a0410d]"You wanna hear a story? Once upon a time, there were three of us. Another she-cat called Polo. She was an ex-kittypet who lived with us only recently. And she kept that name...maybe your Kittypet friends might've known her as she didn't leave that long ago. She became ill ever-so quickly. Birch tried to use every Herb he could scavenge from the Clan-lands...Pardon our trespassing...She was restless. She literally couldn't get to sleep. Finally, on the third day of pain...the pain stopped. She felt tired and fell asleep...she never woke up the following morning."[/color] She looked away slightly. She didn't like using her friend as an example. Though Birch was affected more. He had been visiting Polo in the Twoleg nests for quite sometime. He suspected that the Kittypets here would remember him as he visited so frequently...[color=a0410d]"And to answer the second point...I think I'll take back my request to join...although..."[/color] She stared Mallownose deep into his eyes. [color=a0410d]"We could strike a small agreement. If I pass and survive the [i]backup[/i] this [i]Warmpaw[/i] has gone to get...maybe I could keep you [i]updated[/i] on the situation. Because me and Birchy make a lot of sightings and take in a lot of information of what it does and if anything can be done. If you trust me to some extent...maybe we could...work together?"[/color] She made a warming smile, signalling that she was actually going to be true to her word. Though obviously there would be a way of seeking out their clan-members if she befriended the Medicine Cat. She'd actually quite like to keep this one 'Alive' if she could. That is providing the Disease didn't get there first...