[@FallenTrinity][@Phobos] Sage was also distracted by the sounds of sirens and screeching tires. As the other ghoul glanced away Sage briefly considered fleeing. She knew it was a cowards move but she honestly didn't want a fight. Then anger at herself washed over her. No, she wasn't running! She wasn't going to let [I]that[/I] happen again. She couldn't. As the other ghoul focused back on Sage, she tensed, prepared to unleash her Kagune. She then grew confused at the ghouls next words. It seemed like the ghoul had completely forgotten what she was previously doing. Relief swept through Sage to see the ghoul turn to walk away before she tensed when the woman suddenly seemed to remember again and turned to attack Sage again. As the tail spun towards Sage once more, the girl prepared to unleash her Kagune however before she could she heard the familiar sound of air whistling past someone as they descended from a great height. She looked up just in time to see a tall figure fall between her and the tall ghoul. With a cracking sound, the figure landed on the woman's scorpion-like tail. He, as Sage could now see that the figure was male, kicked out at the woman. Sage knew then that the male was another ghoul; that fall would have killed a human and she knew her guess was correct as he activated his Kagune. Her body tensed, thoughts whirling through her head. Was this other ghoul out to kill her too? Was it a turf war? Or was he actually trying to help her? When he asked if she was alright she nodded, eyes trying to keep both ghouls in her sight.