[@Nightmare Bites][@Oblivion666][@RangingWolf][@floodtalon] [img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/16b7114f3506fb14e85e614389a55627/tumblr_n880wlZApV1rbsqieo8_540.jpg[/img] [h3]Tatsuo Hyakuya[/h3] [15th Ward] Tatsuo chuckled at Ryan calling him sir so many times, wanting to say something but not wanting to be rude. [color=maroon]"It's not a problem at all. You got me those coffee grinds too, its the least I could do.[/color] Tatsuo ordered a regular black coffee. He took a sip of it once it had came, making a slightly displeased voice. He raised an eyebrow at Ryan's offer and nodded his head [color=maroon]"I'll be sure to stop by. Truth be told, this coffee is rather lacking. It's decent but it lacks that handtouched feeling and the soul put into it. It's why I'll never trust machines"[/color] He said as he took another sip. Tatsuo had noticed Yume being silent as usual, smiling at her [color=maroon]"That's right, most of you haven't met each other. This is Floria, one of the 9 Heads of Hyrda's Nest. She may not look it, but she's strong. Hell it scares me when she's mad"[/color] He chuckled at the end, slightly teasing her. [color=maroon]"Floria, this is Sage and Plague. Sage has been around for a while and Plague is a recent recruit. But he's shown promising skills. I'm sure the three of you will get to know each other in due time"[/color] He said, resting his back against the seat and taking another sip of the coffee. Now he had to wait, patiently for the time to come. - Night time - The blanket of darkness finally took over and it was the Ghouls' turns to come out. An alert came on Tatsuo's phone at 8:30. He pulled it out and clicked on a button to stop it, standing up and reaching into his coat. He looked at the three, unsure whether he should bring them along. Chances are Jester brought extra people with him. For Tatsuo, they would probably just be a nuisance but with Jester around he couldn't be too careful. [color=maroon]"You three ready for a hunt?"[/color] Tatsuo put on his infamous black steel mask. He walked out of the coffee shop and faced the 12th Ward. He waited for Yume to be beside him before he spoke [color=maroon][b]"Yume...things may get crazy. If things go south, leave me behind and take the other 2 back to the base. I'm finishing things with Jester"[/b][/color] Tatsuo took a step forward before stopping [color=maroon][b]"Meet me at the tallest building in the 12th Ward"[/b][/color] [i]That's where that dunce would be at[/i] He nodded at them, kicking off the ground and zooming like a jetplane towards the 12th Ward. [12th Ward] It wasn't hard to spot where Jester was at. The poorly painted purple dinosaur was a massive indicator [color=maroon][b]"I swear, that clown has a boner for that purple dinosaur"[/b][/color] He sprinted at the building, taking a single powerful leap to scale the entire building, landing not too far away from Jester and his team. [i]As expected, he's not alone.[/i] His lifted his head, his cold black eyes staring at Jester [color=maroon][b]"Well what would you know, you actually showed. Anyways, let's end this. All of you can come at me or just you Jester, it doesn't matter."[/b][/color] A bump rose from Leviathan's back, a single black and crimson scaled tentacle creeping out from his jacket. He stood there nonchalantly, waiting for Jester to attack. Ofcourse, he expected Jester to insult him but insults from a child didn't affect him.