[@XxLyraxX][@FallenTrinity] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PC1ZOM8.png[/img] [h3]Yaya[/h3] [20th Ward] Yaya had a crazed grin on her face as she moved towards the female Ghoul, too caught up in her head to even notice the man dropping from below. She felt her tail shatter, raising an eyebrow at the dust "Ooooh, what do we have here?" Suddenly, a fist came flying towards her face. As if it was natural reaction, Yaya instantly crossed her arms in front of her face so they could take the full force. She was sent flying and flipping before she crashed into a brick wall. It was silent for a few seconds before an annoyed groan came out of the hole "Owwwwww, baaakaaaaa. Stupid hobo, garbage man!" Yaya walked out of the rubble, her arms swaying back and forward. The bones were mostly shattered and were still in the process of healing. Anger and annoyance was all over her face "I thought you were just another hobo cause of your horrible smell...owwwwww look at my arms bakaa" She said, flailing her arms around like a ragdoll. It was as if the pain was nothing to her. "Cause I'm fucking hungry you baka!! why else! You're basically killing me by saving her, so thanks mr macho man for saving the day" She sarcastically said, falling forward and unable to push herself up "OWWWW, IT FUCKING HURTS! WHY WOULD YOU PUNCH A GIRL SO HARD YOU PERVERT?! DOES THIS TURN YOU ON?! WHAT COMES NEXT, YOU GONNA EAT ME NOW HUH" She said, kicking her legs like a child throwing a tantrum. She had to slam her head on the ground to help herself up, although she was struggling the entire time.