[right][h3][color=a187be]Inaya Saab Airship; Cabin[/color][/h3][/right] "[color=a187be][b]What a crew, what a crew.[/b][/color]" Inaya sat on the bottom bunk of the girls' cabin, her back pressed against the wood-paneled wall as her hands delicately flipped through pages upon pages of a white folder. As, what she would assume to be, the teams "medic" Inaya had found herself in the possession of some records of her crew mates. Mostly medical related, but general information was also laced between the messily scribbled pages. It made for some interesting reading, and would definitely be able to tide her over for at least the first hour or two of the trip. And so, with Qutun tucked comfortably against her neck and shoulder, and Celty currently adventuring around the room like a toddler, she read, her dark eyes tracing each world with excessive finesse. The first she read about was a man named Jasper Richard, and boy was he plain when it came to medical histories. He was as healthy as a engineer could be in these times, and the only excitement he seemed to receive came from various cuts, broken bones, and bruises. If this guy was anything, it would be stubborn. No matter the injury, he always seemed to swing back and get knocked down again. He hasn't given up, as she could tell from the records, and with a shrug she flipped to the next person of interest, her roommate. Robin, last name withheld? She had an intense history of physical therapy and treatment. She had a sad history, and a hard one, and Inaya couldn't help but feel some respect for the older woman. She'd also have to look out for her, seeing as past injuries may always turn up someway or another. Before Inaya could flip to the next page, she felt a tug on her socked foot, and she drifted her gaze downwards to find Celty, probably looking for some attention. A soft smile, one she would never show to anyone else, graced her lips, and she shifted slightly to pick up the small Ralts. A musical chime came from Celty, and as soon as he was in range of Inaya's face he raised his arms and patted her nose, perhaps tinkling of it as an attempt to keep her spirits up. Celty was always concerned for the feelings of others, after all. "[b][color=a187be]I'm fine, you know.[/color][/b]" She muttered between small hands that pressed against her lips. Qutun, at the arrival of Celty, let out a shrill cry and detached herself from Inaya's shoulder and tottered down her arm, snapping slightly at Celty. Inaya stopped the action by shooting a dangerous glare at the Swablu, bu then tilted her head and lowered down Celty, stretching out her back, "[color=a187be][b]It's a bit stuffy in here, hmm? Wanna go for a quick walk?[/b][/color]" She asked curiously, scooting towards the edge of her bed. Both chimed in with happy cries, and a feeling of agreement washed over Inaya before she stood, slipping on her boots as the two Pokemon gather by the door, prepared for a new adventure. Inaya sucked in a deep breath, readying herself in case some unwanted attention was gained, and with a final sigh she opened the door and started her trek through the ship, half-smiling at the appearance of her partners. Qutun was flipping through the air gleefully, at times getting to close to a light or ledge, and each time she would just barely dodge a bonk to the head or a burn from the above head lamps. Celty was keeping a steady pace with Inaya, and refuse to get picked up for whatever reason, opting to watch as the wall paper designs rotated and the floor beneath his feet changed. It was kind of cut, watching his head tilt at every new and exciting detail, but she hated to stop and wait for him to catch up. Eventually, the trio made it to the main deck, and Inaya tilted her head at the homely interior, all while Qutun and Celty vanished between the sofas and desks, having a bit too much fun. "[b][color=a187be]Ah, youth.[/color][/b]" Inaya muttered to herself, smirking, and with a sudden wave of air sickness she stumbled towards a seat, collapsing onto it with a sigh. She still wasn't exactly used to being up on the air. Inaya leaned back against the plush sofa, running a hand through her hair as her eyes wandered, looking for her two trouble makers. [i]at least it's quiet . . . and empty[/i]