"I think we should build up a store of food and supplies," Olivia informed Shawn matter-of-factly as she started packing her gear for their run into the city. "It's always good to have extra rope, food, and medicinal supplies if you can get it. I'd also like to see about finding a food dehydrator. With it I'd be able to make jerky out of deer, fish, or anything else we might be able to catch. I'd like to have a store of food come spring. Also, once winter passes I think we should move up North to Canada. Initially I wanted to travel and see more of the States, but I think after three years it might be time to find somewhere safe to settle down. Unlike the US, Canada has large regions that were--are, should still be--pretty much uninhabited. Most likely there's still plenty of land not yet overrun by Walkers. Mountains, forests. Plenty of land to hunt and farm on. We could start building a house, set up defenses and traps in case any Walkers [i]do[/i] wander into our neck of the woods. I checked my map earlier and if I remember correctly we might be able to take a boat up the Hudson and switch to some of the other rivers to make our way directly into Canada by water. We could also go by land and take a straighter route. Might be quicker, but could be a bit more dangerous too. We can discuss the pros and cons later." When Shawn said that he needed to go back to his boat, Olivia nodded and waited patiently for him. She already had all her gear together because, even with Shawn around, Olivia never wanted to be caught unawares without some weapon. Still, when he returned she was glad to see him and she had a smile ready for him. As they walked into the city, however, Olivia's expression and her posture changed. Her eyes scanned every nook and cranny of the city, every window, every car. Her ears were opened to listen for the slightest sounds--the wind through an alley, the crunch of snow beneath someone's foot. She was always ready for fight or flight should it come down to it. As she went she searched each car, taking care to remove anything of possible use while also making sure not to loiter in one spot too long. It was colder today than it had been yesterday and the sky was growing gray. Olivia was sure that it would snow again by the end of the evening. If they were lucky it would be a heavy snow that would help winter fully set in. She quietly commented to Shawn, "From the looks of the weather I think the Walkers will start freezing over again. If so it'll make scavenging easier. Not to mention we can easily kill a lot of them and spare the rest of the world a bit of grief." Olivia had done that in past winters--stabbing or shooting frozen Walkers in the head--killing them when they couldn't move.