[@Amaterasu420][@Cat] Orion knew that the guy probably wouldn't like to have been bumped into but what Orion didn't expect was the snarled response he got in return or the taller boy raising his suitcase in preparation to hit Orion. Years of being abused by his father had Orion cringing back instinctively, hands raised up protectively in front of him. The harsh words thrown at him brought back memories of his step-father and he felt embarrassed when tears pricked his eyes. He peeked up when he heard another male voice pipe up telling the taller boy to be quiet. His hands were shaky as Orion signed out a apology though in his flustered state it didn't dawn on him that these two probably didn't know sign language. [color=violet][b]I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. It won't happen again.[/b][/color] Orion felt an arm circle his shoulders and he looked up to see Erion glaring at the tall boy. [color=cyan]"Don't talk to my brother like that."[/color] He growled. He glanced at the other boy that had told the taller one to be quiet before he looked back at the male that talked so harshly to his twin.