CS: [hider=Silver Fox] Name: Sergeant Silver 'Sif' Fox Age: 24 Appearance: [img]http://media.datemypet.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/younger-woman1-620x350.jpg[/img] Gender: Female Family: Brother (Alive), Mother (Deceased), Father (Deceased), and then two uncles and cousins, as well as a nephew, in Scotland. Personality: -Positive -Doesn't back down -Exploitative -Serious when needed -Militaristic Bio: Silver used to fight quite a bit before she decided to apply for the military. Silver managed to join the British armed forces as soon as she was able, as an attempt to put the fighting and squabbling she used to do to use. This led to her eventual recruitment into the SAS, and she soon passed the requirements of being promoted to a sergeant. After a few operations, Silver was granted some weeks of leave, and she chose to use them in Philadelphia. Job Before The Outbreak: British SAS (Special Air Service) Relationships: Paul Garrett (Colleague and friend) (Discussed with Datadogie) Disability/Fear: Entomophobia (Fear of insects), Atomosophobia (Fear of atomic explosions) Weapon of Choice: HK MP5 (Though, she obviously won't start off with one.) [/hider] [hider=Paul Garrett] Name: Corporal Paul 'Hotshot' Garrett Age: 22 Appearance: [img]http://steezo.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/man-in-suit2.jpg[/img] Gender: Male((Gender is obvious, do you have a penis or a vagina? :P )) Family: Brother (Deceased), Mother (Alive), Father (Deceased), an uncle, auntie and cousin. Personality: -Daring -Loyal -Friendly -Jokeful Bio: Paul was one of those people that saw the military as a source of income rather than being a militaristic person. Once in, he served for a few years before passing SAS selection. After some time serving with them, he was granted leave. After discovering that his fireteam leader, Silver, was going to the same destination as him, he decided to party up with her during their leave. Job Before The Outbreak: British SAS (Special Air Service) Relationships: Silver Fox (Colleague and friend) (Discussed with Datadogie) Disability/Fear: Helminthophobia (The fear of being infested with worms) Weapon of Choice: HK MP5 (Obviously, like Silver, won't have this at start) [/hider]