The stranger waved politely as the woman he had conversed with all night left. He felt happy to have met such an intelligent person to help wind away the hours of the night. After grinning contently for a while, he let his eyes travel upwards to the morning sun, and he nodded at it, content with the completion of his night shift. An elderly voice snapped his eyes back down to the earth and just as quickly as the old nun addressed him and offered him food, she was off to some other business. The stranger hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should leave for food or stay around his area. He tumbled the idea around in his head for a while until he concluded that he won’t be abandoning his post if he grabbed some food real quick, and only because his post’s mark was right where he was to be gathering food. Knowing that he would only be getting closer to his duty, he tied the lance to his stallion and patted it’s rump as he walked into the tavern. He walked past a few tables, his helmet filtering the sweet scents of the breakfast foods and early morning smokers, and his determination in turn filtered out the sounds of chatter and the sights of early risers. He stayed in such a state until he came to a stop by a bar of food. With quick hands he snatched a plate and began organizing food onto the plate, making sure it was neatly placed. His eyes darted around for bready foods and grains to share with his horse, and a few cured meats for himself, until finally his plate was full and in order. He nodded in approval and spun on his heel, plate in hand.