Eve looked at the smiling with a fang. [color=39b54a]"I'm Eve... aka Poison Ivy, but most people call me Ivy and this is my sister Ava... aka AI, she doesn't like to talk much."[/color] said Eve, giggling to herself. hearing the announcement about the going to the 3rd gym for year 3, she pulled her sister by the neck again, and started to walk slowly away before yelling out and waving to the other two. [color=39b54a]"you'll have to wait and see"[/color] i said, walking away with my sister behind me. both the twins got to the 3rd gym, when Ai decided to get away from her sister and hangout with her own friends, whom she spotted around the wall. [@MonsieurShade][@King Tai][@Melodia Alluna] ---- "come sit down in this corner, well start the testing in 5 minutes to see which class everyone would be place in" said Ms. Chantal for the 3rd year students. ---- "come sit down in this corner, well start the testing in 5 minutes to see which class everyone would be place in" said Miss. Hefty for the 2nd year students. ---- "come sit down in this corner, well start the testing in 5 minutes to see which class everyone would be place in" said Mr. Smith for the 1st year students.