[quote=@Mr Allen J] Now, one of my [i]biggest[/i] pet peeves in GMing is when people act all entitled and self-important when submitting a sheet. Like the kind of people that act like you're [i]supposed[/i] to let them in. Like, biiiiiitch, you're asking to come into my house, you gotta play by my rules, or get out. Most of these people are the type who argues with the GM over character changes (simple ones at that) rather than just going to edit the sheet. Doing this is a surefire way for me to say no. Oh yeah, and people who submit "wip" sheets. You either give me the full sheet, or don't give it to me at all. From my experience most of the people that post a wip never finish the sheet at all. [/quote] I do it and I finish pretty much all of my sheets