Devin gawked at the new boy. Although he was hardly anything, Devin felt more intimidated by his presence. Something about his stature rubbed Devin the wrong way and he found himself squinting at the new student. He realized his awkwardness a bit too late and drew back. In his mind, Devin paused, [color=990000]"These people don't know about me, I'm new to them."[/color] To his side Devin noticed that the small kid that bumped into him cried a little. [color=990000]"It might be a good idea to make some allies"[/color] He cleared his mouth, [color=990000]"Rare sight to see someone with mann-"[/color] Another kid interrupted him, a slightly larger version of the first kid. Devin turned to face the twin, [color=990000]"Okay kid sure, whatever you say."[/color] He dropped his suitcase and reached out to shake the man who hushed him. [color=990000]"My name is Devin."[/color] [@Cat][@XxLyraxX]