Noticing the cluelessness regarding Alexander's switch weapon in the room, Im̀£gor proposed: "You have already been in combat, what weaknesses regarding your weapon did you notice? Think about how your new weapon could fill those gaps. I also recommend to not have your switch weapon entirely replace your current main weapon. In my case, the crossbow can be expected to have superior range and firepower compared to the bow, however firing a second bolt will take much more time than firing a second arrow with a bow. So I will only use the crossbow whenever the additional range and firepower outwheigh the longer reload time. A picaxe is hard to wield, but can easily pierce armor; if there is no such protection for the enemy to begin with, a sword or knife will do a better job, thus I will keep it." Remembering something he turns to Joshua: "This reminds me, I was attacked by a dog infected with the beast plague in the forest near oakstown, I don't suppose that is normal in that area?"