Yes it is still possible. Just fill out the form and submit it to me. I'll either approve it or ask you to make adjustments. And you are accepted. You may post your entrance. Form for Creating a Magical Creature' Name of your Creature: Your name to remember you by: Animal Type: (Arthropods, Aquatic, Avian, Canine, Feline, Reptilian or make a new type with specifications of what makes this creation your new type) Species: (housecat, domestic dog, squirting fish) Magical Affinity: Habitat: (cage, tree, houses, lake) Food: Life Span: How it bears its young: ( live birth or egg) How long does the young stay with the parent: NOTES: Young: Adult: Suggested equipment: (Collars, leashes, heat rocks, pond) Arthropods (ones that can walk on the hind feet for the most part)'