"Rest easy mages...though it seems most of you were not even rattled by our landing. Just a few bumps and bruises for most of you! Shake it off like some good soldiers, and I think you might just be warrior material." Raven said with a chuckle, letting the mages wander off to meet Alexander before being interrupted by a metal soldier. Giving a quick nod, he made his way to the upper deck where the large rotating blades that had been holding them in the sky were still in their lowered position, and if the ship were to turn them back on would make little sliced bits of anything. Raven did not concern himself with such things, and instead was interested in the figures that had approached his ship. He began to wonder if the mages had a different way of communication? Unlikely, but it might explain a few things that would happen when they were doing their work. Regardless, this new group was something to be either taken care of, or sent on its way. Being flanked by two metal guards, who had collected a pair of crossbows, he went over to the edge. "Greetings, wanderer. What exactly brings you so close to my ship? If you are looking for scraps, you are better off testing your luck against the storms than you are with us." Raven said, looking over the railing towards the fellow and his mechanical help. [i]Has to be mage.[/i] "Unless you have other business that you wish to discuss? Though I cannot know what you intend to present to me out here as you are..." Meanwhile, belowdecks, the workers who had been getting some care from Alexander were all now getting back to their duties, and checking on the impressive damage that had been done to their ship like peering into the gaping holes in some walls, pipes, and the armor itself around the ship. After the initial gawking was done, they all seemed to start to treat it as a usual thing, collecting metals and some spare bits of wood to try and patch up the collection of damage. While this happened, a collection of beasts circled overhead, obviously not large enough to threaten the ship like it had before, but they were watching to see what would happen to their previous prey....and if they would be stuck there for some time. Some of the drakes and harpies landed nearby, but kept a very safe distance after a few got too close to the ship, and were grabbed and literally ripped limb from limb by another pair of metal soldiers. The body parts which they had casually tossed were not even attempted to be grabbed by the other drakes or harpies.