Cole stayed with Reiko as she was leaving, but then noticed the others start to come in to the pawn shop, Cole waved the smoke from his face, from when the yokai were smoking earlier and stayed quiet as more of the chasers arrived to the shop as they were leaving out, Cole may have not been a chaser like the others but he could stand toe to toe with any one of them and probably defeat any one of them if he wanted or needed to, but he wasn't here to fight any of them, he was only here for Reiko and her only. when the Oni arrived and began to approach and greeted Reiko only, Cole turned towards the Oni and put his hands by his sides." [color=steelblue]So I don't get a hello ? Yuudai ?[/color]" Cole asked her, the white haired man didn't really care if she spoke to him or not in the end but wanted to speak to her after enduring a bunch of yokai smoke to his lungs, he coughed once more from just remembering how long he stood in there and from his break from it, Cole took a big breath of air from the outside and exhaled."[color=steelblue] Ahh, good old air pollution, good enough for the average man like myself.[/color]" Cole just said in general and not towards anyone." [color=Steelblue]This pawnshop would be better as a small cafe or restaurant, that way the chasers could eat before getting brief and going out, instead of just having tea.[/color]" Cole pointed out giving his thoughts on the pawnshop being the chaser headquarters." [color=Steelblue]Not that I have a thing against tea, but it would just seem like a better idea if this place was a cafe or something.[/color]" Unlike most of the other chasers Cole knew Yuudai since the only other person he really hung around was Reiko really and the other members of Reiko's clan really, but Yuudai was probably the only chaser he knew on a personal level since he actually spoke to her. He stayed at Reiko's side crossed his arms again, he kept his situational awareness of the street outside and mostly there were odd chasers in the pawn shop, mostly they were yokai, but some were completely different and odd in Cole's opinion. Cole looked around the room as another chaser entered and began to socialize with the other chasers, Cole didn't speak to the other chasers, he felt like he shouldn't since he wasn't really one of them and was only here to back up Reiko, he looked back into the store wondering how many chasers were there for one, and two, he wondered what the hell were half of them, because he knew that most of them weren't Yokai, and only a handful or one was only a human, he wondered what the others could be instead of humans or yokai the idea of machines came to mind but he set it aside knowing that nobody was building robots to only fight crimson veil creatures, if so then the secret of the crimson sky was as secret as a cloud in a clear red sky. He got onto the bike and injected the key into the ignition starting up the engine." [color=steelblue]Hey Reiko when are we gonna get moving ?[/color] " He asked while looking at her and the Oni standing on the sidewalk, reached down into the side car and took out a motorcycle helmet and held it out for Reiko to grab for her safety really.