Jacque kept right on walking Eva's protests, "[color=00746b]Hey, I never said anything about leaving anyone with anyone. I just started walking. You just happened to not follow immediately.[/color]" he stated in a matter of fact tone. Zarr's admission to not actually being a doctor managed to stop him, though it was only for about half a second before he continued on, "[color=00746b]So you're not a doctor then? Noted. You know, you really shouldn't go about letting people assume you're a scientist or doctor. It's going to lead to some serious confusion. And while I appreciate your...er...amiable nature, my name is Jacque, not "Mr.Friend".[/color]". Surprisingly there was no animosity to be found in Jacque's tone. He was blunt, but it was more so due to his nature as a person rather than due to any hostility. Eventually Jacque came to a full stop in front of a door labeled as #004 -the room that had been assigned as his living quarters-, and entered it, leaving the door open for the time being as he'd yet to grow fully annoyed by the presence of his tag alongs. Jacque took in his surroundings after fumbling for and switching on the light switch, finding himself both intrigued and underwhelmed all at once by the simplicity of the room. Everything, the wall, the plastic dresser, to the cot that served as his bed, even his bed sheet, was white. Not like the eggshell white of a new apartment room either, but a sterile almost blinding white, like fresh snow. There was a door on the far side of the room that likely led to a bathroom, presumably just as sterile in appearance as the rest of the room. "[color=00746b]Nice to see that they're consistent.[/color]", Jacque casually pulled off his bag and tossed it onto the bed, figuring he could worry about putting away his clothing later.