Here is what I got thus far... [hider] Name: Simon Ivanov Sex: Male Race: Human Main Class: Titan Subclass: Defender Weapons: [list] [*] Primary: Up For Anything/Auto Rifle [*] Special: Invective/Shotgun [*] Heavy: BTRD-345/Machine Gun [/list] Armor: [list] [*] Helmet: Helm of Saint-14 [*] Chest Armor: Holdfast Type 2 [*] Leg Armor: Iron Breed Greaves [*] Titan Mark: Season of Ages XII [/list] Appearance: Appearing in his 30's. Short white hair possibly from a side effect from being reanimated by Cipher. Purplish eyes and several minor cuts over his face, including a large scar crossing over the bridge of his nose and face. Rough shaved. Ghost Name: Cipher Personality and History: Simon first awoke after centuries of death induced sleep in the husk of a destroyed transport vessel, littered of debris and dust-prone skeletons. The reanimation process Cipher, his soon-to-be Ghost, had performed on his decrepit skeletal remains which had then infused both Light and flesh back into his former being at first left him startled and confused; even maddening upon the discovery of his resurrection in this strange new world. An honest reaction any dead man would have after being brought back to life. Eventually, Cipher calmed the still shivering Simon down and helped guide the new Guardian out of the Russian Cosmodrome. Though that would have been easy to say in words if it weren't for the cutthroat Fallen that scavenged the decaying region for anything worthy to utilize in whatever schemes they plotted. It didn't take the aliens long to notice a wielder of the Traveler's light in their midst, and a weak one no less and soon set after Simon, ever so wanting to relinquish the Guardian of his new found Light. Quickly making use of an old and overlooked Khvostov 7G-02, Simon engaged the Fallen scavengers with a sense of familiar aggression. Simon fought his way through packs of Fallen pirates before securing a ship out of the Fallen-claimed Cosmodrome and soon his future as a full-fledged Guardian. Despite his surfacing tendencies of aggression and competitiveness, Simon found himself favoring the Defender archetype of his Titan classification which has caused heads to tilt when comparing him with such a support driven role. No doubt to his personality, Simon summons his almost impenetrable Wards of Dawn not only to protect his allies but also to transform himself into a wall against which the Darkness breaks and thus making him near unstoppable. His illustrative use of the classic saying "The best defense is a good offence" as earned him recognizable credit not only within the Vanguard but in the Crucible as well. With years of accumulated service to the City and the official factions at the Tower as well as identifiable traits of a true Defender, Simon is occasionally either positioned to assist with the training of new Guardians or deployed into tasked Strike or Raid teams when the need comes to light. [/hider]