[center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/35116886/large.jpg[/img] [color=#ffff66]||Brown Eyes || Dark Brown Hair || 5'9" || 172 lbs||[/color] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] [indent][color=#ffff66]Tomas Buhn[/color][/indent] [b]Nickname:[/b] [indent]Tommy[/indent] [b]Age:[/b] [indent]Sixteen[/indent] [b]Gender:[/b] [indent]Male[/indent] [b]Sexuality:[/b] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] [indent]Tomas is constantly tense and prone to snapping even for the smallest of things. He's blunt, but not the type of honest bluntness we all love. Instead, his honesty borders away from being anywhere near honest and stems closer to being just plain rude. His the type to speak in short, choppy, and incoherent sentences due to the fact that he tends to say whatever comes to mind. He's very physical in the way he interacts with anyone, which could range anywhere from punching a hole through your stomach(in a manner of speaking) to placing a hand on your shoulder when speaking. In other words, Tomas is almost always touching something, or someone, when speaking. But he's not all bad... At least he likes animals, right?[/indent] [color=#ffff66]「✓」[/color] [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Animals [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Attention [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Fighting [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Challenges [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Cooking [color=#ffff66]「✖」[/color] [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Going with the flow [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Horror movies [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Being Alone [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Hospitals [color=#ffff66]•[/color] Rules [b]Biography:[/b] [indent]Tomas grew up with clear bitterness brewing within his heart. Tomas felt, on a day to day basis, that he was inadequate--too average. His looks were average, his voice was generic, his hair not soft enough, and his eyes not bright enough; you get the idea. As a result, Tomas searched far and wide for something that would make him stand out from the rest. Sure, what you see on the outside is a sweet, innocent, animal-loving kid, but he is everything but. At the age of seven, Tomas punched a girl in his class. Square in the face. And all with strong, vindictive intent. She had refused to share her glue with him. The school made an uproar, Tomas apologized and got away with a stern warning. At the age of ten, Tomas decided that the most liked boy in class wasn't deserving of the title so he made sure everyone was aware of his view. Tomas shaved the poor kid's head clean, leaving a blameless ten year old most likely traumatized of razors for the rest of his life. The list goes on and on, to the point where his parents got a clear idea that this wasn't "just a phase." More specifically, Tomas' antics were becoming more and more elaborate that they could no longer dismiss it with their favorite--extremely stupid--excuse, "boys will be boys." Thus, they decided to send Tomas far far away (Fae High School) and hope for the best.[/indent] [b]Habits:[/b] [indent]Often outstretches the sleeves of his sweater; often has what he would call "sweater paws."[/indent] [b]Fears:[/b] [indent]Tomas doesn't know how to swim so he's terrified of being in deep water. Anything that goes beyond his waist area starts giving him anxiety. [/indent] [b]Other:[/b] [indent]Tomas is the type of person to sleep with 6 pillows.[/indent]