[center][h1][i]Aoi Kiryu[/i][/h1] [img]http://orig03.deviantart.net/e608/f/2015/206/2/c/yandere_chan_by_solunee-d92r59k.png[/img] [color=CD5C5C][h3]"Senpai will be mine. He doesn't have a choice."[/h3][/color][/center] [hider=moreAoipics] [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/baf6/f/2015/151/b/2/yandere_simulator_protagonist_short_animation_test_by_zero_q-d8vkcg5.gif[/img] [img]http://pre01.deviantart.net/8296/th/pre/i/2015/152/0/d/yandere_simulator_by_srealms-d8vnrv5.png[/img] [img]http://img01.deviantart.net/4b5f/i/2015/208/2/2/yandere_chan_by_bgm94-d9317im.png[/img][/hider] [list] •[b]Eyes:[/b] Eyes that are like black-flecked deep brown of pecan shells. • [b]Hair:[/b] Slightly curly black hair that reaches just above her shoulders, although Aoi likes her hair more in a ponytail. • [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" • [b]Weight:[/b] 115 lbs [/list] [center][b]Nickname:[/b] [i][s]YandereChan[/s] jk jk she has none [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Straight [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Aoi Kiryu's "hobby" is trying to convince everyone around her that she's a normal girl. She buys manga, plays video games, and rides a bike to project the image of a normal girl. However, she does not enjoy any of it. She has no true friends but she "pretends" to be friends with someone to get close to them. Aoi was very emotionless, apathetic, and spoke with a deadpan expression since as far back as she could remember before meeting her true love, senpai for the first time. [/i] [b]「✓」[/b] • Senpai • Senpai's smile • Senpai's booty • Senpai's eyes • Sharp things [b]「✖」[/b] • Girls who talk or get close to senpai • Boys who talk or get close to senpai • Teachers who talk or get close to senpai • Senpai's parents cause they have the luxury of watching him sleep(they rlly don't do that doe) • Girls with big boobs [b]Biography:[/b] Aoi Kiryu never felt anything. For as long as she can remember, She's never been able to feel emotions. She pretends to be normal when she's around other people, but on the inside, she really feels nothing. Aoi always goes on and on as how its not as bad as it sounds, she knows that she broken, that she cant get fixed..but she doesn't care. However, everything changed when she met her Senpai. For the first time, she felt something. A strong desire. A longing. A yearning. A craving. Now she finally understood what it meant to be human. To be alive. She was addicted to the way he made her feel. From a long distance she would stalk him, taking pictures and having a shrine about him. She didn't care about anything else, he was everything to her. And now, [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/ad47706a2040a5bbf4de473a2ccf3106/tumblr_ntna855ZxE1uzcmyjo1_540.png]someone[/url] is trying to take him from her. She wants him, but not in the same way that Aoi wants him. She could never appreciate him the way Aoi does She doesn't deserve him. He belongs to Aoi, and Aoi alone. She has taught her a new emotion...[url=https://i.imgur.com/hiQ1yfK.jpg]Rage[/url]. Aoi wanted to stop her. Hurt her. Kill her. There is nothing she won't do for Senpai. Aoi won't let anyone come between them. She didn't care what she had to do. She didn't care who she had to hurt. She didn't care who's blood she had to spill. She won't let anyone take him from her. Nothing else matters. No one else matters. [center][color=CD5C5C]"Senpai will be mine. He doesn't have a choice."[/color][/center] Aoi invited the girl who was getting too close to senpai, she had planned to kill the girl. Aoi had invited her to the rooftop, she was going to push her off the ledge and make it seem like an accident. Once the girl arrived, she greeted Aoi and they started talking. Aoi managed to convince her to come over by the ledge, to look at the wonderful bright sky. The girl rushed over to the ledge, leaning towards it. Aoi pressed her hands on the girls back and readied to push her but someone had interrupted her. Senpai. He grabbed Aoi's hand, pushing her away from the girl. Aoi was blushing when he touched her hand, her breathing became heavy but her expression soon turned to rage. That girl had been senpai's lover, upon hearing those words, Aoi got mad. Really mad. [center][color=CD5C5C]"Senpai noticed me.. At the worst moment.."[/color][/center] The senpai notified Aoi parents and they sent her to Fae Highschool, taking her far away from senpai. In hopes she wouldn't end up killing anyone and coming back home as a sweet young lady. [b]Habits:[/b] Has a habit of holding her hands to her chest when near senpai, or when she's extremely nervous in general. [b]Fears:[/b] Fears she'll get tired of senpai; Pupaphobia - Fear of puppets [b]Other:[/b] Got the Idea(Biography) of the Introduction of the game Yandere Simulator.[/i][/center]