Here's my character, hope it can still be accepted. [hider=Kala] Name: Kala Jenas Sex: Female Race: Awoken Main Class: Warlock Subclass: Sunsinger Weapons: SUROS Regime, Necrochasm, and Super Good Advice. Armor: Helmet: Deathsinger's Gaze Chest: Heart of the Praxic Fire Gauntlets: Viper Spine II Legs: Istanu-GNT Razor Bond: Bond of the Queen's Guard [hider=Appearance][img][/img][/hider] Ghost Name: Velox Personality: Kala is serious, straightforward, and direct. She accepts that she is just a pawn in the war against the Darkness, and strives to be the most valued and honored of these pawns. While intelligent, she isn't much of a strategist, following those who order her. She drowns herself in her work, training either alone or with her fireteam in her free time. In conversation, she is blunt and honest, believing in truth over emotions. If she doesn't tell the truth all the time, how can her teammates trust her on the battlefield? History: While an Awoken, Kala is similar to the Exo, in that she was built for war. Born on Earth, she trained heavily, becoming a skilled soldier. She learned that a person's own skill is usually not enough, and you must be humble and trusting enough to rely on their fireteam, as well as strong enough to be relied on, if you want to be successful. To her, the fireteam is a system that fights for honor, objective, and survival, and that system is above all. In her travels around the galaxy for the duties as a Guardian, she eventually ended up in the Reef, where she hoped to be accepted as a fellow Awoken. Faced with prejudice for her Earth heritage, she now is driven by her hopes to earn the respect she believes she deserves from the Queen and others of her race. [/hider]