-Full Name: Audo Evgeny Bobienski -Age: 28 -Gender: Male -Rebirth: Yes -Rank / Assignment: Resistance Corporal (R.A.S. Warrant officer) -Call-sign: Flip -Personality: Audo likes to think of himself as a old timey cowboy. In one way or another he's fought the evil empire of the UKD since he was 15. He lives for the pull of the trigger and adrenaline rush that is never matched out of combat. He's learned to be very good at what he does, having dozens of kills on his "Record". He's seen his fair share of death, both enemy and ally alike, and at times it pulls on his soul. But in the end, he keeps fighting cause he enjoys it, and if there is a fighter needed it might as well be him. -History: He has fought in Para-Military and Resistance Groups from a very early age. The style of combat needed to survive has left him with the talent of taking a shot and then booking it to a new hole. -Skills: Guerrilla Warfare. Long range shooting. -Weakness: Lots. < Other then lots, Can be a bit eccentric. Is not trained in "Proper" military tactics. -Romantic Relationship: Whose Available? -Other: -Appearance: Hair cut short, speckled grey. Height 5' 11'' -Picture: [img]http://imagine.pics/images/879/87924.jpg[/img] [img]http://img15.deviantart.net/e286/i/2014/012/d/8/john_sheppard_in_critical_mass_by_puddlejumper38-d71v8ze.jpg[/img]