[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/GdNKNGw.png[/img][/center] [center][color=#76819D][u][b][h1]The Gypsy[/h1][/b][/u][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AEQ4UxJJN6M&list=PLNMfn9cLqizDN4L8KEFTnwBQT-BRaRGUX&index=23]Stalemate[/url][/center] [color=#76819D]"Che! The Gypsy should'a known!"[/color] The blonde haired chunin cursed her lack to comprehend the situation better, the 11th corps waved her furious fire jutsu like it was nothing before moving of the the sage knows where. Soon the other where moving towards the current location the the Hokage and his attacker. Wasting no time the girl rushed off towards the meeting point. What she saw there would no doubt question her loyalty to the village she grew in. Once she arrived, the Hokage was dead and the hooded figure was none other than Ayame Choko. [color=#76819D]"Koko de nani ga okkotte irun desuka?!"[/color] taking on her goggles she looked in complete shock as Ayame gave her speech about how the village is not what it once was. She couldn't care less about send a snappy shot back at the killer. Nothing made sense anymore, why would Ayame kill the Hokage, the village was alright the way it was....right? While she was not with the main crowd, she had a bird's eye view of everyone. Yamoto, the person she would least expect to comply with this utter madness, bowed down..and so did Daiki. It wasn't her call to name them traitors, but one by one the civilians of the hidden leaf started bowing to Ayame. Momoi bit her lower lip, but not enough to draw blood as her mind conflicted with itself. Submit to the woman for a better village..or defend the will of fire? [color=#76819D]"Chi-chan...YabĂȘ."[/color] she whispered [color=#76819D]"YabĂȘ...this is revolt and a new age...what should the gypsy do?!"[/color] a scream from in front made her look once more. Giichi was running at Ayame with a blue spinning orb in hand [color=#76819D]"Dumbass, do you want to be killed?!"[/color] Forming the hand seals need Momoi was about use her jutsu when a hand pressed on her shoulder. [color=8493ca]"Don't do anything rash, Gypsy."[/color] turning around, Momoi turned to see Yang behind her. [color=7ea7d8]"Whatever the hell is going on, you aren't in the position to do anything for anyone."[/color] her purple eye stared back into amber's.[color=7ea7d8]"I'm not a ninja, nor do i plan to be one. But....i don't like this revelution."[/color] [color=#76819D]"Yang....The gypsy doesn't like it as well."[/color] she rose up once more and looked at her older friend. Soon the Honeybader was going to attack Ayame as well, but her commander from the looks of things had stopped her and took her place. Saying that they were under arrest. [color=#76819D]"Can i borrow your phone, there is someone that needs to know this now."[/color] Yang nodded and fished out her phone from her cleavage and handed to her. Thanking the lighter blonde. Momoi quickly punched in two number. Chihiro Hyuuga and 'That guy' >Village has gone to shit, Ayame has killed the late hokage Zeno and declared herself the new hokage. I...don't know what to do...what should i do?![@AgentFallenSoul] [hr] [h3]????????????????????[/h3] In a darkened room, a phone vibrated, waken the man up. grunting with dissatisfaction and stared at the message [color=82ca9d]"........."[/color] tsking after reading the message, he placed the phone down and went to sleep once more. [color=82ca9d]'That village doesn't concern me, anymore.'[/color] His yellow eyes gleamed before shutting his lids once more. [color=82ca9d]'Figure it out on your own, Gypsy.'[/color]