[i][Center][color=lightslategray][h1]Sacrifice[/h1][/color][/center][/i] *first post under rennovation* [hider= General History]The world as we know it is not the only one. Other dimensions exist along side ours, moving parallel to each other alike in existing but separate, most of the time. Very rarely two or more separate dimensions can cross into each other, usually through coincidence forming a tear between the two realities and allowing passage through one to the other. The chances of this happening are exceedingly rare, usually only occurring when pivotal moments happen in the same relative location. These rifts can vary in shape, size, and the length of time they stay open. There are two additional ways to artificially open a rift. One such way is to utilize antimatter to cause a reaction so intense that it tears a whole in the fabric of the dimension, the other is to utilize a weapon of the ancient guides of the multiverse: The Archons. When the universe was created, thirteen beings were created alongside it. Each individual was composed of an element, and had full control of it. They were the Archons of Light, Dark, Water, Fire, Ice, Time, Gravity, Stone, Earth, Death, Air, and Storm. For billions of years they ruled in secret, moving from dimension to dimension, and preserving the natural order of things. They wielded awesome power, and for the longest time believed among themselves that they were incorruptible. Unfortunately, their time as silent guardians ended abruptly and violently as The Archon of Darkness fell to madness after uncovering and delving into forbidden grimoires that detailed how the world was created. Using rituals and magics from these texts he began corrupting and harvesting the souls of mortals on thousands of dimensions, to protect the universe they were created to defend, the Archons unveiled themselves to the multiverse, and led a cataclysmic war against their fallen brother that collapsed entire dimensions, and ended quadrillions of lives. In the end their combined might was able to overcome the fallen Archon, and he was cast into a Dimension so warped by the devastation that intelligence, information, and sentience had no meaning. Not before the Archon of Darkness was able to infect the Archon of Light's subconscious with a fragment of his personality. After the end of the war, and having had ruled for billions of years, the Archons grew weary. Their bodies were unable to tire, but their minds were not immune. After seeing the pure devastation wrought by the war, a unanimous decision to cast down their role as protectors and guardians to live normal lives was made. Each Archon went their own way, settling in a dimension of their choice, their weapons, they infused all of their power into and locked them away. Eventually they all managed to find a mate and settle, even raise familes, the rest of their lives would be lived out in silent contemplation or happiness. Or so they thought Unbeknownst to the others, The Archon of Death had his own plans with the universe. Seeing their willing exile as an opportunity, his brother had failed because he openly opposed his siblings at their full power. The Death Archon, now taking on the name Ragnarok, used the weakness of his peers to his advantage. Waiting for them to settle fully, he slew each and every one of his siblings one by one, leaving their offspring in his wake. His idea of a challenge. The son of the Archon of Light, Marcus Skylark, witnessed the death of both of his parents at the age of four, his reality warped around a foreign concept that made itself known to him at this time, Vengeance, when he came of age he was drawn to his father's blade. Upon claiming it he received his genetic inheritance, and from that moment set to work against Ragnarok. He was not alone in this endeavor, within the blade there were two spirit guides who inhabited his mind, one representing Light, the other the fragment of Darkness that had infected his father so many years ago. Over time he acquired skill, a ship, and most importantly the other Archon hybrids like him. Eventually they acquired a power equal to his own, and they invaded the dimension that Ragnarok claimed as his home. The invasion failed, utterly, the other archons were slain with Marcus as the lone survivor. Himself scarred along his face by Ragnarok's own weapon. Just before the killing blow was struck, the spirit of the Archon of Time sent him back in time as a last act of defiance. There Marcus set about challenging Ragnarok again, this time an extra complication was thrown into the mix, The Doppelganger, a semi perfect clone of himself, created by the paradox of Marcus being sent back in time, began to haunt him. It was equally skilled in combat as Marcus was, intelligent as he was, but acted as if Marcus would if he were to lose all self control. His machinations caused the current strike to go awry, slaying many of the timeline's Archons himself. As a last ditch effort, Marcus, The new Archon of Time and the Water Archon fled back in time once more, armed with grim determination and knowledge of what lies ahead to end Ragnarok once and for all, before he wipes out the multiverse as a whole. [/hider] [hider=Archons] Light and Dark- Marcus Skylark (Specter189) [color=fff200]Time[/color]- Paul Hetfield (Presdino115) [color=00aeef]Water[/color]- Maya Lavandula (Ariosk) [color=ed1c24]Fire[/color]- Fuma (The Rectifier) [color=c4df9b]Air[/color]- Open [color=6ecff6]Ice[/color]- Deidre (Deedee) Marquez (Pascal) [color=1b1464]Storm[/color]- Rai Legacy (The Rectifier) [color=a36209]Stone[/color]- Enøch Kitø (Carantathraiel) [color=00a651]Earth[/color]- Open [color=92278f]Gravity[/color]- Open [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet][code][center][b]Name:[/b] ((Character name goes here)) Age: Archon of:[/center] [center][img]urlofimageofcharactergoeshere[/img][/center] [b][u]Physical Attributes[/u][/b] [b]Apearance:[/b] [b]Physical Weaknesses:[/b] [b]Physical Strengths:[/b] [u][b]Mental Attributes[/b][/u] [b]Personality:[/b] ((Must be at least 3 sentences)) [b]Likes:[/b] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [b]Phobias:[/b] [u][b]Background[/b][/u] [b]Biography:[/b] [u][b]Combat Information[/b][/u] [b]Typical form of combat:[/b](up close and personal, ranged etc.) [b]Preferred Team Role:[/b] (sniper, grenadier, assault etc.) [b]Weapon:[/b] [b]Unique Equipment:[/b] (can be anything from an antique gun, to a suit of special armor)[/code][/hider] [Hider= Character Sheet posting guidelines] Once you've got your character sheet ready, shoot a PM to me, [@Ariosk], [@presdino115], and [@Carantathraiel] from there we'll take,a look at it and more than likely accept it, that way we don't clog up the OOC with Character Sheets. [/hider] [hider= Names of the Archon Spirits] Light: Arcturus The Wise Dark: Azrael The Corrupter [color=c4df9b]Air: Sagittarius The Watcher[/color] [color=fff200]Time: Corvus The Tactician[/color] [color=ed1c24]Fire: Perseus The Valiant[/color] [color=1b1464]Storm: Virgo The Noble[/color] [color=6ecff6]Ice: Taurus The Silent[/color] [color=00aeef]Water: Andromeda The Siren[/color] [color=00a651]Earth: Eridanus The Quick [/color] [color=92278f]Gravity: Lupus The Patient[/color] [color=a36209]Stone: Draco The Strong[/color] [/hider] [hider=Rules] Any decisions my Co-GM's [@Ariosk], [@presdino115] and [@Carantathraiel] make are to be treated as if I made them. They hold my implicit trust and their word is law While this is in the casual section, we are more of a high casual to advanced as far as writing goes, I would like it if you could mitigate SPAG in your posts, and get somewhere to about three paragraphs per post. Sometimes circumstances don't allow this and that is perfectly A-OK I am open to discussion over how events turn out, but I have the final say in them Your character's flaws are not for decoration, they are part of what defines them, no arbitrary weaknesses such as "can't play the guitar" Respect each other, emotions can get heated I know, but if you have a dispute with another person on here, try to keep it civil. If an argument in the OOC breaks out, finish it before me or one of my Co-GMs step in to finish it for you. Have fun! You control an element! Your only limitation with how you utilize your powers is your creativity Please, if you're going to be absent for a long stretch of time, or you think you might, notify us beforehand. [/hider]